UGA/UMich postdoc

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Emily Griffiths

Nov 12, 2014, 9:38:29 AM11/12/14
I got this message about a disease emergence postdoc on another mailing list and thought it relevant because it is US based.

If you want to hear about UK/European disease ecology stuff you might like to subscribe to that list here: Other branches of the British Ecological Society have their own free mailing lists too.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Trent Garner <Trent....@IOZ.AC.UK>
Subject: [ParasiteEcol] FW: Postdoc: UGeorgia.DiseaseEvolution
Date: November 12, 2014 at 5:26:42 AM EST
Reply-To: Trent Garner <Trent....@IOZ.AC.UK>

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 12 November 2014 07:33
To: Trent Garner
Subject: Postdoc: UGeorgia.DiseaseEvolution

Postdoctoral opportunity: Forecasting emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

Applications are being accepted for three postdoctoral associates to join a multi-institutional study (University of Georgia, University of Michigan, Penn State University) of the dynamics of emerging and re-emerging childhood infections (

The overarching goal of this project is to identify statistical patterns that may serve as early warning signals of emergence. Sub-projects include developing new epidemiological theory, case studies, statistical methods and algorithms, and software. Interested applicants should consult the website for more details.

Qualified applicants will have a PhD in ecology, epidemiology, biostatistics, statistical physics, computational statistics or related quantitative discipline.

Successful applicants may be based either at the University of Georgia with Drs John Drake and Andrew Park, or the University of Michigan with Dr Pej Rohani. To apply, send CV and covering letter to ** <>. The letter should include a description of research interests, contact information for three references, and any preferences for location of employment. Also describe any relevant skills and prior research experiences. Review of applications will begin on 1 December 2014 and continue until all positions are filled.

John M. Drake, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Odum School of Ecology <>, University of Georgia <> Director, Population Biology of Infectious Diseases REU Site <>

phone:  706.583.5539
fax:      706.542.4819
skype:  john.drake.uga

John Drake <>

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