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Covington Is Right, NA Is Wrong

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Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
On Sat, 11 Jul 1998 04:11:05 GMT, NSWPP <>

> It is time to set the record straight;
>far from telling lies, Harold Covington speaks
>uncomfortable truths which certain people do
>not wish to hear. That is why he is so viciously
>smeared and persecuted on the Net. No one
>likes a whistle-blower.
> Harold Covington has NEVER been successfully
>proven wrong on any significant allegation of
>FACT---and everyone except the three or four
>National Alliance members posting to Usenet
>under various pseudonyms knows this. Indeed,
>those NA members probably know it as well.
> For example, Benny Klassen's homosexual
>proclivities were so widely known in the late
>1980's that even the Metzgers warned against
>young Skinheads going to Otto. John Metzger
>told anyone who wanted to go up there to learn
>"Creativity", "Sit down and keep your mouth
>shut!" Klassen's homosexuality was so notorious
>among the Movement at the time that American
>Skinheads nicknamed Klassen "Old Benny Buttfuck".


That Covington is the source for this charge should be sufficient
evidence that it's false. But let's stipulate for a moment that
Klassen was in fact a homosexual, just like Covington's friend
Frank Collin, the Jewish pedophile. What possible interest would
a legitimate racialist leader have in repeating this particular
"truth" so frequently? Ben Klassen is, after all, dead, and
General Secretary Covington has not yet got around to alleging
that his successor is also a homosexual rapist.

Covington likes to pretend his only enemies are from the National
Alliance. The truth is much different, as we might expect: He
hates all White organizations pretty much equally.

A few months ago Lisa Turner posted the following announcement:

Date: 1998/03/19
Message-ID: <6es5fc$>
Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power

Rev. Matt Hale, leader of the World Church of the Creator, will
be speaking at a gathering/rally in Minneapolis April 17-19,
along with Tom Metzger and other White leaders. Everyone is
invited to come and listen to the dynamic Rev. Hale and learn
more about the WCOTC!!! He's an impressive and charismatic
speaker - you won't be disappointed! For futher information, you
can call the WCOTC hotline at: 1-309-699-0135 - Visit the
webpage at RAHOWA!!

In other words, an explicitly racialist organization - an
organization that should receive General Secretary Covington's
support, if he were a legitimate White nationalist - was holding
a public meeting and attempting to encourage interest via Usenet.
So what was Covington's reaction? He reposted, as a direct
response to the COTC announcement, his contemptible obituary
"Sayonara to a Sodomite," which just yesterday graced the racial
newsgroups once again. It was typical Covington. Any organization
that shows signs of productive activity can expect to receive his

Search message ID <6euoaq$> on
DejaNews for the specific post.

Now we can propose a few possible explanations for this strange
behavior: (1) Covington is a government provocateur paid to
disrupt the nationalist movement, a favorite among many posters
to this group; (2) Covington is jealous of the much greater
success of a rival organization, which probably has some
validity; (3) Covington, for reasons known only to his therapist,
derives some strange pleasure from the hostility his numerous
provocations elicit. Hence his addiction to lying and spreading
rumors. The latter is my own preferred explanation.

Of one thing we can be certain: No charitable interpretation is


American Renaissance

Campaign for Radical Truth in History

Euro-American Students Union

Katja Lane's Fourteen Word Press

National Alliance


Yggdrasil's White Nationalist Library


Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98
[You wonder why the Bowel Movement
is so "against Harold Covington"? It is
because of a long history I have of speaking
uncomfortable truths which no one wants to
hear. See below...]

[From RESISTANCE #24, January 1993]


There is a well-known quote from the Irish dramatist
W. B. Yeats, levelled at a Dublin theater audience in 1925
after they hooted and shouted down a production of his play
"The Plough and the Stars", about the 1916 Easter Rising.
Yeats reminded the hecklers that after the British had
defeated the insurrection and were marching the captured
rebels through the streets, many of them to torture and
execution, the same Dubliners who now claimed to idolize
these "heroes" in fact pelted the prisoners with garbage
and insults. Dramatically, Yeats ended his harangue from
the stage with the famous phrase, "...You have
disgraced yourselves again!"

We have disgraced ourselves again. Once more,
we have given untold fuel to the enemy's propaganda
mill through our own shameful behavior. Once more we
have proven to any serious, thoughtful, mentally and
sexually normal White man or woman who might consider
joining us that we are fools, dangerously unstable
lunatics, and that the White racial nationalist
resistance in America is a grotesque, macabre
political Three Stooges slapstick routine,
with real blood.

ITEM: On December 17th, police investigators
pulled the frozen corpse of Johnny Ray Sharbnow, out
of a shallow snow-filled grave off a fire road in
Kootenai County, Idaho. Sharbnow was a 29-year-old
"Skinhead leader", an unemployed semi-vagrant from
Michigan who had also spent time in a mental institution.
In short, just the kind of brilliant and inspiring
"leadership" our Movement characteristically produces.
The same day, sheriff's deputies arrested two young
men living at the Aryan Nations compound in Hayden Lake.
It turned out that these idiots had shot Sharbnow
on December 8th, for reasons unknown, buried him in
the woods, and then stayed on living at the compound.

A man named Carl Franklin living at the
compound told newspaper reporters that when nobody
had seen Sharbnow around for ten days "we started
to think it was kind of odd." Pastor Richard
Butler was unavailable for comment.

ITEM: A fund appeal December 21st from the
neo-Marxist "monitoring group" Center for Democratic
Renewal features a pathetic and utterly disgraceful
letter in shaky handwriting from one Floyd Cochran.
Cochran was "chief of staff" at the Aryan Nations
compound in Idaho for a number of years.
Cochran claims that he has renounced the evils
of racism, and in a turn of phrase quite obviously put
into his mouth by Jewish CDR honcho Lenny Zeskind,
he states "...I deeply wanted to make the transition
from being a believer in the false doctrines of
the so-called 'master race' to become a contributing
member of the human race."

Cochran goes on to complain that the Aryan
Nations "left him out in the cold" and he ended up
sleeping on a park bench after he broke with the
Movement. It is quite obvious that what Cochran has
done is to contact an agency of his racial enemies
in search of that all-consuming life's goal which
so many Movement "activists" strive for and seek
like the Holy Grail---a free flop and a way to live
without working. The CDR has obliged him, and we
can shortly expect to see Floyd Cochran on the TV
talk-show and left-wing lecture circuit denouncing
his former friends with all his expenses paid.
When the Left has squeezed him dry and has no
more use for him, he will probably get "born again"
and work the religious circuit under the wing
of Pat Robertson et. al.

I am not sufficiently *au fait* with the situation
at AN to be able to judge the strength of this man's
claim to have been "chief of staff". I suspect that
like the obnoxious British infiltrator, petty criminal
and embezzler Ray Hill, Cochran's importance in the
Nations hierarchy will be greatly exaggerated by the
CDR in order to raise money and make propaganda out
of his contemptible treason.

But no one should underestimate the damage
that this kind of horse manure can do to what little
positive image we have left. The CDR has also
"turned" another so-called "racist leader" in
Wisconsin, one of Thom Robb's flunkies named Ken
Peterson, but from what everyone tells me Peterson
is such a hopeless jerk that they won't be able
to get as much mileage out of him as they will
from Cochran.


Before I continue with this latest catalog of
psychopolitical slapstick, there is something which
has to be said. It is something which everyone in the
Movement has known for a long time, but which we have
all hesitated to utter outside private conversation
and correspondence.

It is the mission of RESISTANCE to say aloud
these very things that no one else will utter, because
for the benefit of our cause and our people, they have
to be said. If RESISTANCE is to fulfill that mission,
there has to be one ironclad rule: no sacred cows.
No one is beyond criticism, no one is immune to scrutiny.
I now find myself in the position of being compelled
to cause pain and offense to an elder statesman of my
race, a man whom I in fact hold in immense personal
respect and admiration, and I deeply regret that
I must now say what I have to say.

Over the past several years, the Aryan Nations
have been rocked by excruciatingly embarrassing scandal
after scandal. Time and again the compound at Hayden
Lake has been infiltrated by enemy agents, reporters,
you name it. When a female producer of the
anti-Keegstra movie "Evil In Clear River" wanted
to do some "research", she put on a wig and went up
to Hayden Lake, breezed right in, and stayed for a
week in the bunk house getting all the "local color"
she needed viciously and cruelly to smear a brave
and honorable man who sought to teach the truth
in his classroom.

It has become clear that Richard Butler is
too old and too ill to exercise even the most minimal
control over who moves in on him up there, who attends
his meetings, or how these people behave. Security at
Hayden Lake is, quite simply, non-existent. That
compound has become a dripping honey trap drawing
every Federal agent, every ADL spy, every hot-shot
investigative reporter looking to gain brownie
points by vilifying "White supremacists", and above
all it has become a magnet for every weirdo,
lunatic, freeloading bum, and disruptive
personality in the Movement.

The Aryan Nations and the Hayden Lake compound
hold a special place in the annals of the White resistance
movement, and there is every likelihood that in the
fullness of time, Richard Butler will go down in
history as one of several major fathers of a
new country.

But the point of diminishing returns has now
set in, and that compound is becoming a liability and
an embarrassment. The facility needs to be shut down
and left fallow for a time, while the heat cools off
and the Federals and the ADL and the "monitoring groups"
find other things to engage their attentions. There
should be no further meetings, gatherings,
or rallies held there for a period of some years,
at least until a firmer hand prevails and a few
basic security controls are instituted.

I invite Rev. Butler or any authorized representative
of the Aryan Nations to reply to the above. Any such
reply received will be published in the next
issue of Resistance


The Aryan Nations are certainly not alone in
making fools of themselves.

ITEM: I regret to say that several issues back
I recommended a new National Socialist magazine called
The National Socialist International Bulletin to my
readers, published by long-time Danish National Socialist
Povl Riis-Knudsen. This excellently done journal was
published out of a mail drop in Massachusetts to avoid
European censorship laws which place Zionism and all
non-White racial groups beyond criticism, and provide
prison terms for White dissidents who fail to apply
their lips in the prescribed manner to the proffered
buttocks of the Jew.

It turns out that Povl Riis-Knudsen appears to
have suffered some kind of mental breakdown. For the
past year he has been behaving in an erratic and
hideously embarrassing manner. He has left his wife of
many years and moved into cohabitation with a young
Lebanese Arab woman named Nidal Khazouf. In the process
he has abandoned his own children in exchange for an
Arab stepson who speaks no Danish and with whom
he cannot even communicate.

Efforts to elicit some kind of explanation
from Povl Riis-Knudsen, by myself and others, have
been in vain. He refuses to discuss his behavior.
One American comrade went so far as to fly to Europe
to confront Riis-Knudsen and try to "reason with him"
and get him to dump the wog and go back to his wife.
No soap.

It is the opinion of this American comrade that
Riis-Knudsen has plain and simple gone insane. He
apparently asserts that this woman is White despite
visible evidence to the contrary. He has developed
an interesting new racial *weltanschaung*: sand
niggers are White so long as they are female,
22 years old, and go to bed with him.

One aspect of this horrible affair which has
yet to be explored is the undeniable fact that Povl
Riis-Knudsen is a long-time political associate and
personal sycophant of the repulsive Matthias Koehl.
In addition to his many other sins against National
Socialism, Koehl was notorious for his "flexible"
attitude towards interracial sex, notably in the
infamous case of Baltimore NSWPP leader Wolfgang
Schrodt, who shacked up with a non-White woman named
Brookie McGee for years, in the Baltimore
Nazi headquarters!

Povl Riis-Knudsen has apparently become so
deranged and careless that he actually takes his
Arab mistress to speaking events and media interviews
with him. Needless to say, the European news media
is having a field day with it. I myself was alerted
by a British comrade who sent me at article
from the London Times.

Riis-Knudsen has been expelled from the Danish
National Socialist League. The Massachusetts post
office box has been closed down.


ITEM: On the December 18th broadcast of
America's Most Wanted, the first featured fugitive
was a nineteen year old Skinhead kid from Windsor,
Ontario named Mark Prokop. Prokop apparently went
home one day, loaded up a .22 rifle, laid in wait
for his parents, and when they returned he shot
them both dead. He then stole an easily traceable
car and bank card and fled south into the
United States.

Prokop left a trail of clues behind him,
mostly when he stopped to draw money from automatic
teller machines. This and the discovery of the
family car broken down in Utah showed he was headed
west. He was finally recaptured trying to cross
the border back into Canada at a checkpoint
in Washington State.

Oddsbodikins, but I can see this one coming
miles away! A more complete conformity to the media
stereotype of the evil, violent Skinhead can hardly
be imagined. Now we will no doubt undergo the trial
(where racial nationalism will likely be linked
with Satanism, if the defense is sharp), the
propaganda binge which will flood the Canadian
news media with anti-White smears and vilification
of the Skin movement, and finally, no doubt the
made-for-cable-TV movie, something like "Shaved
For Murder: The Mark Prokop Story."

To top it all, if the cycle runs true to form,
perhaps Prokop will "find Jesus" in his prison cell
and use quasi-religious denunciation of White racial
nationalism as a means of worming and ass-kissing his
way out of jail. If he goes on the talk-show circuit
he might even come out of it with a tidy bit of
change in his pocket.


ITEM: For the past decade, a character called
"Jimmy Mitchell" has been hanging around every Klan,
NS, and Identity group in the Northeast. Mitchell's
real name is Jimmy Rosenberg. He is a Jew. He has
been identified as a Jew in the news media.

This apparently has not cramped his style.
He is still welcomed at most Klan rallies and
whatnot in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York,
and Michigan. He even admits his Judaic ancestry
but claims he has turned against his own people.
He says he wants to be an "honorary Aryan". I am
informed that his latest appearance was at Bob Miles'
memorial service, where he was allowed to say a
few words. If this is true, and I pray to God and
the gods that it is not, it is a rank obscenity.

ITEM: Ernst Zündel is apparently making
speaking appearances along with a Jew named David
Cole or Coles. As nearly as I can decipher this
particular little gem of Movement Grand Guignol,
Coles claims to be a "Jewish revisionist", and
Ernst drags him along to show that he is not
"anti-Semitic", and that there are "good Jews"
who are willing to tell the truth about
the Holocaust fraud.

I sure as hell hope this one has been
misreported. But if Ernst is going to reconcile
with the Jews, what in the name of God has all
the past ten years of struggle over his legal
case accomplished? The Jews are the racial enemy,
indeed the enemy of all mankind. One does not
reconcile with them. One battles to destroy
the Jews and all their works.

This is one deviant Movement attitude I have
never even attempted to fathom. It's beyond me.
I mean, if you're going to hobknob with Jews,
or blacks, or Mexicans, or go to bed with
22-year-old Arab whores, sheesh---what's
the point of it all? Why not just do a Greg
Withrow or Ken Peterson or Floyd Cochran
number and sell out completely? There's
more money in it.


The worst Movement scandal of 1992 was
one which has not made the news media; fortunately,
the idiots in the left-wing media don't understand
just how stomach-turning and how fraught with
disturbing implications this particular incident is.

I can now confirm that when Old Benny Buttfuck
fled into hiding last June, the Otto, North Carolina
cult ashram was purchased by none other than Dr.
William L. Pierce of the National Alliance, for a
sum not unadjacent to $86,000, cool cash. It is
true that Klassen was a millionaire and didn't
need the money per se, but like most millionaires
his wealth was tied up in real estate, stocks and
bonds, CDs, etc. In June of 1992, Benny Klassen
had the most pressing of reasons to need quick
liquidity and get the hell out of Dodge. He was
worried about a murder indictment.


As much as I hate to admit it, the fact is
that Klassen's decision to vanish from the racialist
scene had very little to do with the campaign undertaken
by Your Friend and Humble Narrator.

It will be recalled that in May of 1991, a
Buttfuckian cultist named George David Loeb shot
a nigger sailor in a Neptune Beach, Florida shopping
center. It came out at the trial that the monkoid and
a friend lay in wait for Loeb and his wife as they
emerged from a grocery store. They then assaulted
the Loebs over a fender-bender which had occurred
in the parking lot half an hour previously. Loeb
was arrested several weeks later in a Poughkeepsie,
N.Y. supermarket while trying to shoplift
a packet of cold cuts.

The main prosecution witness against Loeb
was fellow COTC cultist Steven Thomas, who was
arrested on $100,000 bail as an accessory, bond
which was then dropped down to release on his own
recognizance after Thomas agreed to betray his
former friend. The wretched informer then went
directly to the Otto ashram, where he was given
a free flop and a job as "editor" of Klassen's
newspaper to tide him over until his time came
to return to Florida and swear away George
Loeb's life.

During this entire period of about
eleven months, Klassen praised Loeb to the skies
in his publications as a hero and a martyr to
the "new Aryan religion" of Creativity, all the
while sheltering and supporting the one witness
against him without whom the prosecution would
collapse. Of all the grotesque, vile, revolting
acts of treachery I have witnessed during twenty
years in the Movement, I think this is
probably the worst.


In the meantime, George Loeb languished
in prison, first in New York and then in Florida.
I received several letters from him during this time,
and it was heartbreaking to read how he sat in his
cell worshipping the Jew Benny Klassen as a
prophet and "the most brilliant Aryan genius of
all time". In the same letters he admitted that
he had not received one thin dime of Klassen's
millions by way of assistance, and that we was
forced to rely on a Jewish court-appointed
lawyer to fight extradition to Florida.

Loeb was tried and convicted on Steve Thomas's
testimony by an "ethnically diverse" jury. He was
sentenced to be buried alive. At some point just
before the trial began, Loeb appears to have
realized the depth and the extent of Benny Klassen's
treachery. My birdies tell me that he sent Klassen
an ultimatum---come up with some serious shekels
for a decent lawyer or else he would spill
the beans on the Dennis Witherspoon hit.

Dennis Witherspoon was the 17-year old
Skinhead boy who was drugged, stripped, and
sodomized while unconscious in Benny Klassen's
home in July of 1987. Witherspoon awoke in
mid-buttfuck to find the Pontifex Maximus doing
the dirty deed upon his supine young bod. He
jumped up and beat holy hell out of Klassen,
desisting only when the filthy old man begged
for mercy and cried that he had a heart condition,
and Witherspoon realized that if the old faggot
had a heart attack and pegged out, he'd be
looking at Murder One.

Witherspoon made sure Klassen paid through
the nose, though, especially since Alte Benig in
his priapic lust had neglected to ascertain the
fact that Dennis was only seventeen and therefore
underage, not to mention the fact that North
Carolina still has a little-used,
seldom-enforced sodomy statute on the books.
He got $10,000 hush money and a used Chevette.
He didn't keep his vow of silence; he
complained bitterly about Klassen to anyone
who would listen, myself included. As per
usual where Klassen was concerned, our Great
White Leaders within the Movement were deaf,
dumb, and blind like the three monkeys
in the famous sculpture.

In October of 1990, Dennis Witherspoon met
a death eerily reminiscent of Johnny Sharbnow's
murder two years later. His body was pulled from
a ditch in Dade County, Florida, his hands and
feet bound and his mouth taped. He had five
.22-caliber hollow-point bullets in his skull.
The police wrote it off as a drug killing---
but in June of 1992, George Loeb sent a
message to Benny Klassen.


Loeb got a damned fine lawyer from SOMEWHERE.
I know because I watched excerpts of the trial on
cable Channel 44, and you could tell this guy was
really trying to get Loeb off. It was the
"multi-cultural diversity" of the jury that did
for him. I am convinced that any reasonable
group of people would have found that Loeb
fired in self-defense.

Klassen sold out and disappeared. He was
helped in this by one of the most brilliant
intellects, one of the few genuine leaders in
the Movement, Dr. William L. Pierce, who
facilitated Klassen's escape by putting up the
"get-out-of-town" money, $86,000 of it, thus
enabling Klassen to break legal contact with
the property in Otto so that no one would be
able to trace him through his real estate there.
I've had a squeal that Klassen has left the country.


The foregoing incidents are not simply the
low points of an especially bad year within the
Movement. As anyone who has been in "this thing of
ours" for any length of time can confirm, this kind
of trashy behavior and weird crap is TYPICAL.

The problem can be very simply stated. It is
the paradox which most of us notice very quickly
when we become involved. The CAUSE of National
Socialism and White racial victory is so right,
but the PEOPLE in it are so utterly wrong.

Before we can solve the problem, we must
first admit its existence. We must address the
fact that a disturbing number of the people who join
and remain in White racialist organizations are scum.
Some are simply insane. Some are petty criminals.
Some have a variety of personal agendas which they
hope to fulfill within the context of White racial
nationalism, and these personal agendas can
get pretty bizarre.

Yet the problem is susceptible to solution,
if we put our minds to it. It's not that our cause
does not attract good, intelligent, normal people.
We do, in droves.

And we drive them away in droves. They come
in, they get a good look at who and what they are
expected to work with, and they leave. In some
cases they stay a while and try to change things.
Sometimes they are killed or dragged away to prison
because of the vile behavior of their "comrades".
The disillusion, the anguish, and the sense of
betrayal that overwhelms these good people who
get burned out is so bitter, so angry, that I have
sometimes tried to contact them and get them to
reactivate and been met with rages, threats,
and abuse, concluding with the statement that
nothing on earth could ever get them involved
with the Movement once more, and under no
circumstances am I to call, write, or
approach them again.

The solution is simple. We must sit down,
pin-point what it is about our Movement which
attracts so much human garbage, and then STOP DOING IT.

This is a complex subject which will be
the topic of another full newsletter. But I repeat:
the problem is not insoluble. It is simply that
no one in the Movement cares to exert the necessary
effort or degree of commitment necessary to solve it.
We CAN attract good, decent, normal people, and we
CAN keep them, through the simple expedient of
behaving ourselves in an honest and honorable way.

It's that simple.

Karl Zimmer

Jul 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/11/98

NSWPP wrote in message <>...

>[You wonder why the Bowel Movement
>is so "against Harold Covington"? It is
>because of a long history I have of speaking
>uncomfortable truths which no one wants to
>hear. See below...]

No Sex, Lies, and Mail fraud.....the Harold Con-vington story!

Catchy title eh? I think Harold's agent provocateurism would make a good
educational video in a couple of years once all the shit has hit the fan and
hopefully he's in prison in that blaze orange jumpsuit with his Negroe
cellmate. This Negroe's "bitch's" life (or lack there of) would be very
instructional. It would probably begin with jetsetting around Europe and
Africa with no discernable occupation or income [ed. Who paid for all this?]
and everywhere he goes he create's havoc and chaos in the racialist
communities he uses as his host.

He then lands back in North America, starts a war with the National
Alliance, Aryan Nations, and Metzger's W.A.R., and eventually starts his own
political entity on a *stolen* platform (G. L. Rockwell). The "pretender"
then spends $40.00 and buys Eudora Pro 3.0? e-mail manager program and
starts his own listserve or NSWPP "computer club". Why? Short on cash?
Fulfilling his handler's mandate? Who knows.
He then starts recruiting sunscribers with his *free* messages and the NSnet
forums. Fair enough. He then asks them to subscribe to his shoddy,
regurgitated, paltry "newsletter" called "Resistance".

Meantime, eventhough Covington *sued* Will Williams back in 1989 for *libel*
and then dropped the suit (due to lack of evidence), when Mr. Williams
evoked his citizen's rights [ed. Pinheads and your stupid ZOG court comments
are irrelevant. This isn't the middle ages so doing the duelling method is
gone so the "civilized" thing is the courts. Period. I would do the same
goddamn thing if some asshole was spreading shit about me.] Covington then
preceded to whine and wail through usenet and to any who would listen thus
creating a "persecuted" atmosphere. This time, however, Williams pursued it
and won! The court in North Carolina agreed with Williams and awarded him
$110,000.00 (approx) in damages, and court costs. Covington blustered and
thumped his chest bravado-like until near the end of May/98 when he
"disappeared". He fled to Texas because of their "liberal" state
judgement/debtor laws. He currently resides there and is being investigated
for mail fraud. Why is this? Mr. Covington when he started his listserve
also started a political entity called the NSWPP (National Socialist White
People's Party). He was attempting to feed off the legitimacy of the George
Lincoln Rockwell American Nazi Party from the 60s [ed. Rockwell was
assassinated in 1968.]. It worked to a degree because he raised over
$20,000.00 through a "Fall Building Campaign". The office's whereabouts and
all the costs and other details were never disclosed to his contributors as
should have been the case with any corporate or political (non-profit)
enterprise. The lease still has 6 months to go when Mr. Covington skipped
out on his obligations. What is the status of the lease is unknown, however,
one can only surmise it is forfeited [ed. Because Con-vington was
complaining in March/98 in a private "inner-circle" e-mail that he is a "one
man party" and that he was *scared* to unfurl that glorious NSDAP flag he so
"boldly" represents from his computer keyboard.] if in fact it was opened at
all in the first place. That's where mail fraud comes in. Since I'm not
privy to the details of this investigation I can't say for certain. I do
know that if he *DID NOT* use the funds as he said he did he will be guilty
of some major felony charges. Not the least of which fraud, embezzlement,
racketeering, and the list goes on.

The main thrust of the video would be to educate prospective movement people
about the dangers of con-artists and BATF/FBI agents masked as our
"friends". Covington is the *perfect* role model for a film of this nature.
There is no one else in the vast racialist movement who is more hated,
detested, and reviled than this man. Viewers will learn that there is a
difference between *empty words* and actual conduct. They will learn that
its usually the coward who gets others to do the activities while he stays
lingering in the shadows. They will learn that a real man, like Rockwell,
actually lead people by example and not just spout off inspiring words [ed.
When it *actually* occurs. Usually he does his same old attacks on
personages within the movement.] at a computer. Also, they will be shown a
real leader controls his actions, tries not to act dishonorably, and watches
his tongue regarding idle gossip, slander, innuendo, hearsay and conjecture
(all negative and destructive traits that have no place in a leadership
role). Finally, they will learn a legitimate leader doesn't lie to his
comrades nor conducts forgery campaigns on the various mediums open for
communication and spreading the word (eg. the internet).

Such a video would be indispensible and great for educating the young. Mr.
Covington is an excellent study for this because not only does the hatred of
him exist in the movement but it also extends to his own family who goe so
far to state they want him in a state psychiatric hospital on drugs to keep
him out of harms way (and I'm sure so he will quit embarassing them). His
own brother thinks his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top and has
basically said that in so many words.

The Covington saga Isn't over but I'm sure within the next two years
something will happen to end this Greek tragedy and in the meantime I hope
no more destructive Covington proteges surface. Until
Don't forget the fact that with an investment of a computer and $40.00+
dollars in a e-mail manager program (like Eudora-Pro) you can start a
listserve like NSnet and "raise" funds for shady offices and terminated
leases (if an office exists).
Con-vington has reaped well on his initial investment and thus has had the
luxury of sitting on his fat ass and raising cash to support his comfy
lifestyle. Must be nice to know the suckers really don't catch on.
How else could a guy who hasn't had a stable job in 20 years make his
living? That is the mark of a parasite and *YOU* are his host. Close your
wallets and lets see how long the parasite will stick around!

[Just a note: This is from the website. In 1989 Covington sued
Will Williams for libel and had to drop it due to lack of evidence. Williams
has won his suit due to overwhelming evidence and obtained a judgement for
approx $110,000.00 which Harold Covington has vowed to never acknowledge. He
then, after declaring all over the net that there was *nothing* to worry
about, fled to Texas to take advantage of their liberal debtor laws. Is this
not the worst hypocrisy there is? Covington sued in 1989 and had to drop his
suit and now that Williams went after him he has whined, wailed, cried like
a baby for 2 years now. How many people out there knew about this Covington
lawsuit from 1989? Did the hypocrisyman himself ever tell you? I thought
not. In otherwords, suprise, suprise, the con-artist deceived you into
thinking that only those of "un-Aryan" characters use ZOGs courts (I have
always thought that to be a lame and stupid excuse even when I was a
Con-vington supporter; illogical). yet here he used it FIRST!!!!!!!!
Amazing isn't it? Just plain amazing.]

The convicted liar and professional smear artist, Harold Covington, of the
phoney "nswpp," was just found guilty today of libel. Monetary damages due
me (William W. Williams) as a result of his deliberate and malicious
of lies, mainly on the Internet, will be determined at a later date.



Plaintiff )
vs. )
Defendant )


THIS CAUSE coming to be heard and being heard this the 3rd day of
October, 1997, the Court makes the following:


1. Plaintiff appeared in open court, represented by Mark A. Perry, Attorney
at Law.

2. Defendant did not appear and was not represented by counsel.

3. Plaintiff filed and served a motion for Summary Judgment on August 19,

4. Defendant was properly served with notice of hearing.

5. Defendant failed and refused to answer plaintiff's requests for

6. Upon review of the verified complaint, all pleadings in the file, the
plaintiff's motion for preliminary Injunction and attached affidavit, Judge
Gessner's Injunction, the defendant's paper entitled "Defendant Declines
Further to Defend," and counsel's arguments, this court makes the


A. Because of defendant's failure to answer plaintiff's Requests
for Admissions, those matters are admitted by defendant.

B. No genuine issue of material fact exists for this Court to
decide as to defendant's liability for libeling plaintiff.

C. Defendant cannot prevail in this action and has no defense to

D. Plaintiff, William W. Williams, is entitled to Judgment against
defendant Harold A. Covington, as a matter of law.


Defendant, Harold A. Covington, has committed the unjustified acts
of libel against the plaintiff, William W. Williams.

Judgment against the defendant is hereby entered as to the issue of

The Injunction issued against the defendant, Harold A. Covington,
by the Honorable Paul Gessner is now permanent and continues in full
and effect.

Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 6-20, the Court taxes costs of this action
against the defendant, Harold A, Covington.

The Court retains jurisdiction of this matter to determine damages
due the plaintiff from the defendant for his repeated publications

This the 3rd day of October, 1997.

The Honorable William C.
Judge Presiding
---end Court Order---

Rudy Hess

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
Not that it will matter to you, but I find your use of the term "sandnigger"
to be offensive in the extreme.

Arabs, in general, hate Jews. This is good. Arabs have done more to hurt
the Jews in the last 40 years than all of us white men put together. If
whites should have empathy with any people on the face of the earth, it is
the Arabs.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Rudy Hess

Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98
Actually, you raise some very good points. If it weren't so late, I'd have
indicated each of them. Nonetheless, posting attacks is detrimental to the
cause. Responding to attacks is detrimental to the cause.

If someone is an enemy, that fact will become obvious in its own good time.
Damage control before the fact is nonproductive.

The best we can do is to try and wake people up to the bigger problem.
Pointing out that the enemy has sent a spy among us is of no use when most
people don't even realize that there is an enemy.


Jul 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/12/98

A few more people have dug up the "Harold As Unabomber"
screed off Usenet and the weirdo website, and as a result I've
gotten a couple more "how do you stand it?" queries. I get one of
those about every week. There's something I need to add to my usual
stock responses, which perhaps I don't emphasize enough.

It doesn't bother me as much as it might, because I understand
that we are all insane.

Everyone. You, me, the people who wrote "", the
people accusing me of being the Unabomber's "mentor", the Clintons,
the media, the schools, the cop on the beat, the butcher, the baker,
the candlestick maker. We live in an insane epoch, and sleazy
deranged madness is now an inherent, integral part of our national
life. Every single one of us born since about 1945 is to some degree
or other touched with the mental illness and emotional hysteria
which is the spiritual by-product of a society run by Jews.

The Jews have worked for almost a century to undermine and
eviscerate everything strong and manly and valuable in the Aryan
character, and let's face it, people, they have succeeded.
The result is that given the erosion of moral and ethical standards
and the now almost total absence of any sense of right or wrong,
(as opposed to Political Correctness, which is NOT the same thing)
and in the absence of strong, manly character traits, the weak and the
silly and the looney have been given full rein, and this applies
across the board. This kind of behavior has become endemic, not
only in our own Movement, but ALL ACROSS THE ENTIRE AMERICAN SOCIAL
SPECTRUM, in every sphere of activity---business, politics, the arts,
personal relationships, you name it.

All of this stuff, from Usenet to Unabomb, is basically
just part of the background noise of life in this open-air
asylum we call America, the giggling and screaming and cackling and
gibbering and ranting and raving of desperate human beings in torment,
trapped in the prison of Political Correctness and Judaic materialism
and liberal democracy. Aryans live in an unnatural world and so they
behave unnaturally. I have come to the conclusion that the Internet
simply reflects what's already out there, although I still think that
the anonymity and the feeling of power people like Brewt and Andrew
Mathis get from behind the safety of the keyboard has a kind of
accelerating or aggravating effect.

Admittedly, I have been subjected to an extreme concentration
of the Bad Craziness over the past year, certainly by design,
but aside from the fact that it's all coming at me at once, is it
really any worse than, say, the intrigues and BS that go on in the
faculty of any university? Or in the middle levels of any multinational
corporation or government bureaucracy?

Most of you live with some kind of Bad Craziness in your
lives which is just as annoying and debilitating to you, if not
as intense as having a whole website devoted to defaming you.
It may be a job where your boss is an idiot. It may be a divorce
where your ex-wife has gone completely irrational. It may be
a neighbor who is clearly disturbed and dangerous. It may be a
legal case which is devouring your substance and slowly strangling
you in paper coils of idiocy. (There is nowhere in society where
the prevailing irrationality is more clearly showcased than in
our so-called justice system; the inmates have been running the
asylum there for a long time. I tell people some of the things
I've learned about the law and even more so about lawyers
since the nuisance lawsuit of last October and they just
plain don't believe me.)

We just this past week were treated to a grotesque public
spectacle wherein a respected sportscaster was revealed to engage
in perversions in hotel rooms wearing women's lingerie and a garter
belt. I am told that Marv Albert is a Jew, but come on, guys, let's
be honest---he could just as easily have been White, and there are
White men in the upper echelons of society who engage in the same
kind of aberrant behavior. After all, we have a President whose
seduction technique consists of having his police gunmen drag women
into motel rooms, dropping his pants, and commanding "Go down on that
thang, honey chile!" With that kind of example at the very apex
of our society, why shouldn't a couple of high-school kids do the
same to some hapless girl they lure into a locker room? Why, exactly,
is it OK for Bill Clinton to do it but not them?

We live in a maelstrom wherein an entire multi-billion dollar
industry has sprung up around a washed-up nigger ball player who
chopped up his White slut and her toy boy, and where a woman who
cuts off her husband's penis while he sleeps becomes a national
heroine. Our chief law enforcement officer is an androgynous monster
who burns children alive on live nationwide television and yet refuses
to lift a finger against the most corrupt government in American history
long after they have been publicly seen to commit murder, treason,
massive embezzlement and misuse of public funds, and a list
of egregious lies so long that your computer would not have the
capacity to download a complete list.

One of the most popular rock idols of our Beavis and Butthead
and Clueless yoot is a bizarre nigger who has spent millions of dollars
medically and chemically transforming himself into a Puerto Rican, who
has been publicly and apparently with reason accused of buggering small
White boys, who equally publicly bought off the parents of his
victims with huge cash settlements (and what does that say about
the parents?), and who still sells millions of albums. The existence
of Michael Jackson in any known society in human history other than
this one is inconceivable; the most depraved Roman emperor would have
had him crucified, especially if he tried to sing.

One of the most popular videos in any rental store
is a whole series called "The Faces Of Death", containing
footage of everything from decapitations in Saudi Arabia to a game
warden being mangled to death and partially eaten by an alligator,
while in North Carolina a White man who struck a member of a Chinese
gang attacking him in the parking lot of a bar receives a 25 year
Federal prison sentence for violating his attacker's civil rights.

We have a military which has apparently become devoted to
one purpose and one purpose alone: revoking the biological laws
of nature which have made women physically smaller and weaker than
men and ignoring a million years of evolutionary and cultural
experience which tells us that women cannot become soldiers. We
have something called affirmative action which perpetrates the
most gross discrimination in every aspect of life against men
with White skins and, in pure Orwellian doublethink, denies that
this is discriminatory and is conscious of no contradiction anywhere
along the whole convoluted, perverted thought process. We have a
cultural élite which fights to legalize marijuana, cocaine, and
heroin while prohibiting and criminalizing tobacco. We have an
educational system which is turning out high school graduates who
cannot read, which teaches that mathematics and physics are
"subjective" and their results malleable and unimportant, and
which is now concentrating on teaching children as young as
five and six years old how to commit sodomy and cunnilingus.

Moving on down to the ordinary, everyday level of
Joe Six-Pack, we have murders committed over minor traffic
accidents; men fired from jobs they have held all their lives
because they told an innocent joke and were denounced by an
informer; teenaged girls who have illegitimate babies and then
simply throw them into the nearest trash receptacle and go on
about whatever they were doing; young women who suddenly "remember"
being molested by their fathers twenty-five years ago at age
two and get Daddy sent to prison for the rest of his life
without one jot of corroborating evidence from any other source
that any such thing ever took place outside the girls' diseased
minds. We have people who make an entire career out of telling
the world that they were abducted by little gray men in UFOs
and forced to become sex slaves and breeding stock for aliens.
I have worked with middle-aged women who spend their breaks
discussing the characters and plots of soap operas in such a
way as to make it clear that they think these fictional
television things are just as real and important as their
own lives and the lives of their families.

I recently picked up a tabloid in the supermarket
checkout line which "revealed" that Fidel Castro has created
an elite military commando unit of baboons---the furry kind
with tails, not the negroid kind he has used prior to this.
There was a cleverly created photograph of what appeared to be
about fifty baboons carrying AK-47s and wearing Castro-style
coffee can hats passing in review in front of Fidel on some
kind of rostrum in Havana; the baboon "officer" was saluting
and smoking a cigar. I tremble to think how many people actually
BELIEVED this....

Do I need to go on? You all know what I mean and
you all know I am right. This is not simply ideology gone
out of control, nor is it the kind of slow moral and social decay
which organically sets into any human society after a variety of
economic and historical factors cause it to lose purpose and
vigor. All of this stuff we live with is actual, clinical INSANITY
in the straight psychiatric sense. It is psychosis, a complete lack
of any connection with reality.

This does not EXCUSE in any way what is being done to me
on websites or in courtrooms, but it does to some degree EXPLAIN it.
People ask me "how I stand it"---well, frankly, one of the ways I
stand it is the knowledge that I am not alone, that other people
all around me are victimized by the madness. When one lives in a
madhouse, surrounded by shrieks and gibbering and people babbling
to themselves and cackling laughter, the irrational to some degree
becomes normal and one simply takes it in stride.

The fact is, after "" and the Unabomber/Zodiac
killer business I am really becoming more fascinated and intrigued than
anything else. The line of pure fantasy has now been crossed and
whatever happens, I'm just along for the ride. I am honestly curious
as to just how far they WILL go. IS there any limit to the madness at
all? Why should there be?

I made a joke yesterday about them accusing me of being
the Man on the Grassy Knoll because that would be impossible---I was
only ten years old at the time. But DOES THAT EVEN MATTER? They have
no regard for facts of any other kind---why should that one bother
them? If Castro can have a regiment of baboons, why can the BATF or
FBI or CIA not have a ten year-old assassin? Perhaps I may turn out to
be the result of some secret scientific breeding experiment by Nazi mad
scientists or aliens. If I can be the "mentor and handler" of Unabomber
and the Zodiac, why not the Kennedy assassination? Or King?
Or Jimmy Hoffa? If I allegedly blew up an airliner in November of
1979, why could I not have been hiding in a boat off Montauk Point
fourteen months ago and fired a missile at TWA 800?

I can "stand it", as my comrades ask, because I understand,
however imperfectly, that all of this is part and parcel of the
larger pattern of events, an overall sickness that affects everyone
and not just me, and that the solution lies in the treatment of the
disease itself, not the symptom---that disease being the presence of
the Jewish people in human society and the collective effect which
that presence has on the moral, social, economic, and political health
of their host peoples. I am, in however small a way, part of the solution
to the problem and as such I must expect the disease-bearing organisms
to retaliate in the various manners which they traditionally use.

We are sick, people. Sick in mind, sick in body, sick in soul.
But there is a cure---and Dr. Hitler is in.

Harold A. Covington

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey, IMPERIUM

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