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Zionism and National Socialism, Part 1

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Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98


[Not sure who wrote this; it just wandered in off the Net]

Well the truth keeps leaking out as to the falsification of
the so-called Holocaust (HoloHoax). If there were death camps
the Zionist Jews were running them.

Zionist-Nazi Collaboration During WWII: A Special Report for the Ezra
Pound Peace Foundation, by Eustace Mullins.

Who really ran those concentration camps?: As the Nazi regime
continued in
power, anti-Zionist Jews were arrested and placed in concentration camps.
The camps were run by Zionist Jews, who were known as Sonder Kommandos.
They were very cruel to their anti-Zionist brethren, and remained in charge
of them throughout the Second World War. As the war drew to a close, the
Zionists realized they had to conceal the fact that the German
concentration camps had been run primarily by Zionist Jews.

As the Allied forces neared the camps, the Zionists and the SS
fled, leaving a few elderly and a few youthful Germans of the Home Guard to
command the camps. Advance units of the Allies entering the camps were
ordered to line up all the Germans they found there and to execute them, in
retribution for their "crimes" against the inmates.

The real reason for the orders to execute all the personnel of the
was to cover up the alliance between the Nazis and the Zionists. The plan
worked, as no Germans survived the mass executions of the soldiers found in
the camps, leaving no one alive to testify that the camps had actually been
run by the Zionists.

The "crime" of holocaust revisionism: Jewish Gestapo groups also
legislation in "liberated" Germany, making it a crime for anyone to
contradict the Holocaust (HoloHoax) story, which had now become revealed
truth. Thus, the Holocaust story was not to be questioned under the
Occupation Government, as this would be heresy.

Today, anyone in Germany, even American visitors there, can be
to enormous fines and lengthy prison terms for mentioning the Holocaust. An
example of this is the European correspondent for this magazine, Hans

A Canadian, Ernst Zundel, has been fined $35,000 and harassed by the
authorities because he had disseminated material in Canada about the
Holocaust. Another American is now in a German prison for having mailed
material in the United States about the Holocaust. The sole purpose of
these drastic punishments is to prevent any discussion of the Holocaust
which might reveal the long-standing alliance between the Nazis and the
Zionists, and the actual events which resulted in the creation of the State
of Israel in 1948.

The Nazis have disappeared from history, leaving as the sole heirs the
Zionists in Israel, the master race theory, and a modern day Gestapo to
harass their opponents. The Gestapo groups, such as the Anti-Defamation
League and the Southern Poverty Law Center (The JDL and many other groups
should have been listed - WM) in the United States, ruthlessly hunt down
and destroy anyone who tried to reveal the facts about the collaboration
between Nazism and Zionism. (Both were created by the same people = WM)

Fact or Fiction? For more than half a century, the Zionist version of
history of the twentieth century has reigned supreme. We have been
inundated with Technicolor programs such as "The Winds of War" and
"Schindlers List" portraying millions of innocent Jews rounded up and
killed without reason.

Nowhere in any of these fictionalized versions is there any hint that
Nazis and the Zionists had a long-standing alliance, or that International
Zionist bankers had financed the Nazi Party from its very inception.

However, in recent years, there have been a few dissenting voices,
from within the Jewish community, from those loyal to the ancient
traditions of Orthodox Judaism. They have offered documented exposures of
the historical alliance between the Nazis and the Zionists, an alliance
which led to the ultimate triumph of world Zionism. (The New World Order)
All the while, their aged Nazi stooges were cast aside and hunted down
without mercy, tracked like dogs even after they had reached the age of
late 80s and the 90s.

On January 3, 1998, "The Washington Post" printed on its editorial
page a
letter commenting on previous correspondence, under the heading, "Handing
Over the Jews Cont'd." In "An Unsung Hungarian Hero" letter December 17,
Janos Szekeres comments on a previous letter by Louis Burger (Handing Over
Their Jews, December 21). Mr. Szekeres is critical of Mr. Burger for
choosing to omit several facts regarding the cooperation of Hungarian
authorities with the Germans in the deportation of Jews from Hungry during
World War II. However, both Mr. Szekeres and Mr. Burger omit the complicity
of "elite Jews" in this tragedy.

Ben Hecht in his 1961 book, "Perfidy" reports on a trial in Israel
began in 1953, in which the Israeli government sued Malchiel Greenwald, an
elderly Hungarian immigrant and publisher. The suit was over Mr.
Greenwald's articles stating that Rudolf Kastner, a prominent member of the
Israeli government, had been complacent in rounding up ghetto Jews to be
sent to Nazi concentration camps. No one expected Mr. Greenwald to win the
case, but with the assistance of an able lawyer, he did.

In other words, it was proved that Mr. Kastner was guilty as changed
Mr. Greenwald's articles. (Mr. Kastner was later ambushed and killed before
he could be brought to trial; his murderer was never found). (Surprise,
surprise - WM)

In a 1955 "Parade Magazine" article, "The Decision," Elie Wiesel
(Wesel -
WM) reports that his family opted to go to what turned out to be a
concentration camp based on the advice of "well- informed" Jewish notables
in Budapest who had given clear assurances on this point, "All we knew was
what we had been told; that the convoys were headed for the interior," he

Since its inception, the government of the State of Israel has been
from the elite ranks of those Zionist terrorists who had been in active
league against their own people, working with the Nazis. Most Israelis are
aware of this, but they choose not to debate it in public, fearing that the
world might learn the sordid and vicious origin of the Zionist State. The
Rudolf Kastner case is well known throughout the State of Israel, and many
books and articles have been written about it, of which Ben Hecht's book is
only one of many.

The Hidden History of Zionism: 600 saved: One of the basic books on
Nazi-Zionist connection is Ralph Schoenman's "The Hidden History of
Zionism" published by Veritas Press, Santa Barbara, CA, in 1988, and now
out of print. Schoenman writes, (p. 53) "A pact against Hungary's Jews in a
series of agreements between the Zionist movement and Nazi Germany which
first became known in 1953. Dr. Rudolf Kastner of the Jewish Agency Rescue
Committee in Budapest signed a secret pact with Adolf Eichmann to 壮ettle
the Jewish question' in Hungary. This took place in 1944. The pact sealed
the fate of 800,000 Jews. It was to be revealed later that Kastner was
under the direction of the Zionist leaders abroad when he made this
agreement with Eichmann. The agreement entailed the saving of six hundred
prominent Jews on the condition that silence was maintained about the fate
of Hungarian Jewry. When a survivor Malchiel Greenwald, exposed the pact
and denounced Kastner as a Nazi collaborator whose 租eeds in Budapest cost
the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews,' Greenwald was sued by the
Israeli Government, whose leaders had drawn up the terms of the Kastner
pact. The Israeli Court came to the following conclusion: "...The sacrifice
of the majority of the Jews, in order to rescue the prominent ones, was the
basic element in the agreement between Kastner and the Nazis. This
agreement fixed the division of the nation into two unequal camps, a small
fragment of 叢rominents' whom the Nazis promised Kastner to save, on the
one hand, and the great majority of Hungarian Jews whom the Nazis
designated for death, on the other hand."

The court declares that the imperative condition of the pact was that
neither Kastner nor the Zionist leaders would interfere in the action of
the Nazis against the Jews. They agreed they wold not, in the words of the
Israeli court, hamper them in the extermination....collaboration between
the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee and the exterminators of the jews was
solidified in Budapest and Vienna. Kasther's duties were part and parcel of
the SS. In addition to its Extermination Department and Looting Department,
the Nazi SS opened a Rescue Department headed by Kastner." Both the SS and
the Zionists had a common interest in the occult. The secret meaning of the
SS, the Nazi storm troopers, is said to be "Black Sun," an occult

Betrayed by their Own: On p. 116 of Mullins "New History of the Jews,"
write, "The Elders of Zion in each Jewish community cooperated with the
Germans in rounding up the Jews. Hannah Arendt, the eminent Jewish scholar,
stated that only in Denmark did the Jewish community escape, because
Denmark had no group of Jewish elders who could hand them over to the
...Dr. Rudolf Kastner, head of the Zionist Organization in Budapest,
turned over the Romania Jews to the Nazis in exchange for allowing 1683 of
his friends and relatives in the Jewish community to emigrate to
Switzerland with all of their fortunes. Needless to say, all of the
important Jewish bankers in Europe survived the war. Kastner was later
murdered in Israel by a Jew whose family had been sent to a concentration
camp because of him.
...Schoenman continues with his revelations about Kastner: 選t is not
surprising that it was to be revealed that Kastner intervened to save SS
General Kurt Becher from being tried of war crimes. Becher was one of the
leading negotiators of the deal with the Zionists in 1944. He was appointed
Commissar of all Nazi concentration camps by Heinrich Himmler. What
happened to him? He became president of any corporations and headed up the
sale of wheat to Israel. His corporation, the Colgne-Handel Gesellschaft,
did extensive business with the Israeli government.'
...In the first chapter of his book, Schoenman reveals on p. 16, 禅he
fourth myth is that of Zionism; as the moral legatee of the victims of the
Holocaust. This is at once the most pervasive and insidious of the myths
about Zionism. Ideologies for the International Zionist movement have
wrapped themselves in the collective shroud of the six million Jews who
fell victim to Nazi mass murder. The bitter and cruel irony of this false
claim is that the Zionist movement itself actively colluded with Nazism
from its inception.'" (See also "Who Financed Hitler" by James and Suzanne
Pool, available through the Criminal Politics Book Club).

On page 48, Schoenman, in a chapter called "Zionism and Fascism,"
"The history of Zionism; largely suppressed, is sordid. Mussolini set up
squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, BETAR, in black shirts
in emulation of his own Fascist bands. When Menachem Begin became chief of
BETAR, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin
and BETAR members wore to all meetings and rallies; at which they greeted
each other and opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute."

Collaborating With the Nazis: Schoenman continues: "The Zionist
of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party on June 21, 1933.
In it the Federation noted, 疎 rebirth of national life such as is
occurring in German life must also take place in the Jewish national group.
On the foundation of the new (Nazi) state which has established the
principle of race, we wish so to fit our community into the total structure
so that, for us too, in the sphere assigned to us, fruitful activity for
the Fatherland is possible.
Far from repudiating this policy, the World Zionist Organization
in 1933 DEFEATED a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote
of 240 to 43." During this very Congress, Hitler announced a trade
agreement with the WZO's Anglo-Palestine Bank, breaking, thereby, the
Jewish boycott of the Nazi regime at a time when the German economy was
extremely vulnerable. It was the height of the Depression and people were
wheeling barrels full of worthless German Marks. The World Zionist
Organization broke the Jewish boycott and became the principal distributor
of Nazi goods throughout the Middle East and Northern Europe. They
established the Ha'avara, which was a bank in Palestine designed to receive
monies from the German-Jewish bourgeoisie, with wich sums Nazi goods were
purchased in very substantial quantity."

Ralph Schoenman, the author of "The Hidden History of Zionism," 1988
is of
the extreme left-wing political spectrum. He is author of several other
books including "Bertrand Russell: Philosopher of the Century," "Death and
Pillage in the Congo: A Study of Western Rule" and he co-authored
"Prisoners of Israel" with Mya Shone.

"The Hidden History of Zionism," ...shatters the overriding myths
have shaped the consciousness of most people about Zionism in the State of
Israel. The first myth is that "a land without a people for a people
without a land." The second myth is of Israeli Democracy; the third myth
concerns security as the motor force of Israeli policy...the fourth myth,
perhaps the most pervasive, falsely claims that Zionism is the moral
legatee of the victims of the Holocaust who's rescue and residence, the
Zionist undermined and opposed.

The book reveals a series of massacres enacted by the Zionist movement
drive out the Palestinian population. It exposes, as well, the secret
betrayal by Zionist leaders of millions of Jews' murders by the very Nazis
with whom Zionist leaders collaborated. It concludes by delineating a
strategy for change and the only solution compatible with justice and
Democratic rights of all: namely a Democratic and secular Palestine where
rights flow from citizenship rather than ethnic identity or religious

Zionist-Nazi Collaboration During WWII: Consequently, the Zionists
Baron Van Midenstein o the SS Security Service to Palestine for a six-month
visit in support of International Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part
report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of propaganda, in "DER
ANGRIFF" (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a
medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and the other, the Zionist
Star of David.

In May, 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, the chief of the SS Security
wrote an article in which he separated Jews into "two categories." The Jews
he favored were the International Zionists. "Our good wishes together with
our official good will go with them."

In 1937, the Labor "socialist" Zionist militia, the Haganah (founded
Jabotinsky) sent an agent (Feivel Polkes) to Berlin offering to spy for the
SS Security Service in exchange for the release of Jewish wealth for
Zionist colonization...Adolf Eichmann was invited to Palestine as the guest
of the Haganah.

Felvel Polkes informed Eichmann, "Jewish nationalist circles were very
pleased with the radical German policy, since the strength of the Jewish
population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the
foreseeable future the Jews could logically expect numerical superiority
over the Arabs." This prediction proved to be too optimistic, because as
Schoenman states, that by 1947 there were only 630,000 Jews and 1,300,000
Arabs in Palestine. The Jews were still only 31% of the population at the
time of the United Nations partition of Palestine.

The Zionists as Police Enforcers: Schoenman points out on p. 28 that
1938, 5,000 Palestinians were imprisoned, of whom 2,000 were sentenced to
long terms of imprisonment, 148 people were executed by hanging...and over
5,000 homes were demolished." Thus, the current policy of demolishing the
homes of Palestine Arabs goes all the way back to 1938!

Schoenman continues, "Zionist forces were integrated with British
intelligence and became the police enforcers of draconian British rule. A
"quasi-police force" was established to provide cover for the armed Zionist
presence encouraged by the British. There were 2,863 recruits to the
quasi-police force, 12,000 men were organized in the Haganah, and 3,000 in
Jabotinsky's National Military Organization (Irgun)."

Ben Gurion called the quasi-police force an ideal framework of the
training of the Haganah. Charles Order Wingate the British officer in
charge, was, in essence, the founder of the Israeli army. He trained such
figures as Moshe Dayan in terrorism and assassination.

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