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Restaurants in Cary Towne Center?

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Richard Evans

Aug 6, 2009, 2:57:51 AM8/6/09
We are meeting friends at the Galaxy Cinema Saturday evening and
looking for a nearby place for supper. Anything in the Towne Center
that's not a chain and worth trying?


Aug 6, 2009, 12:02:06 PM8/6/09

There was an Indian place in the mall, Cary Town Center, but I haven't
been there in a couple of years. There's a Thai place in the little
mall across from the Galaxy, "Yom Tum" or something like that, near
the ABC store--it was quite good the one time we tried it. It's in
the place that used to be "Courtney's," if I remember correctly.

There's also a Korean/Japanese place around the other side of that
same shopping center--we only went there once and it may have been an
"off day" for them, but I wouldn't recommend that place.


Aug 6, 2009, 12:52:10 PM8/6/09
On Aug 5, 10:57 pm, Richard Evans <> wrote:

The three below are in the Cary Towne Center parking lot. All are
chains, however I enjoy them all and never had a bad experience at any
of them.

Pei Wei -
MiMi's Cafe -
Ragazzi's -

If you'd like some Greek/Lebanese with a cafe feel you can check out
the new Jasmine Mediterranean Bistro (
just down the street on Walnut, or if you'd like something a little
unique you can go to the Bavarian Brathause
( for some authentic German (great food,
but pricey) also only a short drive from Galaxy. There's also a new
Czech restaurant called Klara's ( in downtown
Cary. Then there's Unabi Grill ( if you'd like to
sample some Afghan cuisine and Sushi Thai ( off
of Kildaire.......tons of great choices in the area. Bon Appetit!

- Chad


Aug 6, 2009, 4:12:22 PM8/6/09

>  There's also a new
> Czech restaurant called Klara's ( in downtown
> Cary.

Is that the place that used to be Vespa?

Craig Watts

Aug 6, 2009, 9:52:10 PM8/6/09

> There was an Indian place in the mall, Cary Town Center, but I haven't
> been there in a couple of years. There's a Thai place in the little
> mall across from the Galaxy, "Yom Tum" or something like that, near
> the ABC store--it was quite good the one time we tried it. It's in
> the place that used to be "Courtney's," if I remember correctly.


Thanks for that quick reference Ken. I have seen Yom Tom
move in and have been wanting to try them.


Donna Maroni

Aug 6, 2009, 9:43:39 PM8/6/09
to Richard Evans
> We are meeting friends at the Galaxy Cinema Saturday evening and
> looking for a nearby place for supper. Anything in the Towne Center
> that's not a chain and worth trying?

Why not get out of the mall rut and head over to UDUPI for a **great**
vegetarian Indian meal? It's a straight shot from the theater:

Udupi Cafe Indian Vegetarian
(919) 465-0898
590 E Chatham St
Cary, NC 27511

My only caveat would be: don't order one of the "samplers for x number of

I think the Galaxy is owned by a few Indian partners, Udupi folks among

Elliot Cramer

Aug 7, 2009, 2:37:15 AM8/7/09
Ken AC4RD wrote:
>> There's also a new
>> Czech restaurant called Klara's ( in downtown
>> Cary.
Klara's is wonderful


Aug 7, 2009, 11:53:02 AM8/7/09

> Why not get out of the mall rut and head over to UDUPI for a **great**
> vegetarian Indian meal? It's a straight shot from the theater:
> Udupi Cafe Indian Vegetarian
> (919) 465-0898
> 590 E Chatham St
> Cary, NC 27511

Darn, I would have suggested Udupi if I had realized it's really not
that far from the Galaxy. That's been one of our favorite places for
a number of years. The food is always delicious, and the prices are
quite reasonable. We have friends who don't care for it quite so
much, because Udupi doesn't serve any alcohol. But we love Udupi.

Speaking of alcohol at Indian restaurants, I sure miss "Golden Eagle"
beer. They used some very flowery hops, it always seemed perfect with
Indian food.


Aug 7, 2009, 7:39:19 PM8/7/09

Yes, it is in the space formerly occupied by Vespa. I have heard
nothing but great things about it but haven't had a chance to check it
out yet, so it is on my list. I've also been wanting to try the lunch
counter at Ashworth drugs on the corner that I hear has the old time
soda syrups. So many places to little time and money!

- Chad

Aug 9, 2009, 4:22:28 AM8/9/09
On Fri, 7 Aug 2009 04:53:02 -0700 (PDT), Ken AC4RD <>

I never did get around to trying Udupi, the days we tried to go it was
closed for whatever reason. Just down the road from it is Suchi
Indian restaurant, which we stumbled upon during our quest for Udupi.
This was a full 3 yrs ago, so maybe someone else can provide a more
current status, but the experience at Suchi was so good that the next
time we were in the area we made a beeline for Suchi, despite all the
good things we had heard about Udupi. We still hope to make it to
Udipi to try it one of these days :)

Side note -- also tried the Korean place in the same strip mall as
Suchi, and was not impressed so we never went back. Admittedly
authentic Korean food has never been my favorite, even some of the
aromas do not appeal to me.


Aug 9, 2009, 2:49:01 PM8/9/09

> current status, but the experience at Suchi was so good that the next
> time we were in the area we made a beeline for Suchi, despite all the
> good things we had heard about Udupi.  We still hope to make it to

We used to like Suchi quite well--but the last time we were there, it
had a new name and the food wasn't the same at all. Not terrible, but
not nearly as good IMO.

> Side note -- also tried the Korean place in the same strip mall as
> Suchi, and was not impressed so we never went back.  Admittedly
> authentic Korean food has never been my favorite,

We had the same experience, though it's been several years since we
were there. I've never been a fan of Korean food, and our dinner
there might have been fine within its context, but neither my wife nor
I have ever suggested going back. :-/

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