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Up Against The Wall

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Otto Bahn

Dec 3, 2001, 10:27:21 AM12/3/01
You Might Be A Redneck Geek

If you would describe your family tree as being
recursive, you might be a redneck geek.

If your pickup truck can find its way home by
itself while you are passed-out-drunk, you might
be a redneck geek.

If your CD-ROM tray has a beer can in it, you
might be a redneck geek.

If you bought cigarettes over the internet when
you were 10 years old, you might be a redneck

If you finally do the laundry and find a Commodore
64, you might be a redneck geek.

If you have mpegs of your sister in the shower,
you might be a redneck geek.

If your trailer home can talk, you might be a
redneck geek.

If you built your laser gun sight from scratch,
you might be a redneck geek.

If you've ever used circuit components as fishing
lures, you might be a redneck geek.

If you've calculated the flux of grain entering
a combine, you might be a redneck geek.

If decapitating a chicken makes you think "random
walk", you might be a redneck geek.

If you joined the local Garth Brooks fan club to
increase your odds of getting a date, you might
be a redneck geek.

If all of your pants are L3\/I2 jeans, you might
be a redneck geek.

If your VCR has been broken for five years, yet
still displays the correct time, you might be a
redneck geek.


Baby it's you

Glenn Knickerbocker

Dec 3, 2001, 2:46:05 PM12/3/01
Otto Bahn wrote:
> If your VCR has been broken for five years, yet
> still displays the correct time, you might be a
> redneck geek.

Hey! I -use- that VCR! Also "thrifty" Yankees aren't rednecks.


Otto Bahn

Dec 3, 2001, 3:41:28 PM12/3/01
Glenn Knickerbocker wrote:

True, real redneck geeks get ALL the jokes.


Jorn Barger

Dec 4, 2001, 1:13:37 AM12/4/01
Otto Bahn <> wrote:
> If your trailer home can talk, you might be a
> redneck geek.

If your moonshine-still has its own IP number, ymbarng.

Robot Wisdom Weblog: "If you worry that
reading the news online will rob you of the serendipity factor you get
with the newspaper, Jorn Barger solves the problem." --Dan Gillmor

Lester Mosley

Dec 4, 2001, 4:27:58 PM12/4/01
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 00:13:37 -0600, (Jorn Barger)

>Otto Bahn <> wrote:
>> If your trailer home can talk, you might be a
>> redneck geek.
>If your moonshine-still has its own IP number, ymbarng.

But does that mean you can Ping your moonshine then?

Scott Boston

Dec 4, 2001, 8:33:54 PM12/4/01
Otto Bahn <> wrote in message news:<>...

> You Might Be A Redneck Geek
> ...

> --oTTo--
> Baby it's you

If your Segway has a gun rack, You Might Be A Redneck Geek.

Xcott Craver

Dec 5, 2001, 9:08:30 AM12/5/01
Jorn Barger <> wrote:
>If your moonshine-still has its own IP number, ymbarng.

Ymbarng! Rrrrr---YRRRRRR----YMBARNG!!!!

o If your app's menubar says "fixins" instead of "preferences"

o If you are immune from dictionary attacks on your
password file because you can't spell

o If you say that the Lebesgue space-filling curve
is differentiable "purtnear everywhere"

Then etc etc

Otto Bahn

Dec 6, 2001, 1:39:15 PM12/6/01
Scott Boston wrote:
> If your Segway has a gun rack, You Might Be A Redneck Geek.

John Barger wrote:
> If your moonshine-still has its own IP number, ymbarng.

Xcott Craver wrote:
> If you say that the Lebesgue space-filling curve
> is differentiable "purtnear everywhere"

The above, or variations thereof, shall be added
to The Wall.



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