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MTCCNC and Trek Bicycle Greensboro Tuesday Nite Bike Ride!!

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Anjie Blount

May 12, 2024, 8:15:55 PM5/12/24
to Triad Ride List
Hey … it’s us again!! MTCCNC and Trek Bicycle Greensboro…
MTCCNC and Trek Greensboro Tuesday Nite Bike Ride
💚💚💚We Ride We Vote Jersey Week 💚💚💚 

🚴‍♀️ Whether you're a seasoned rider or hitting the pavement for the first time, join us as we pedal towards greatness and celebrate the spirit of MTCCNC.  Come out...bring a friend or meet a friend! 

🚴‍♂️ Ride Details:
Date:May 14th
Meeting Time and Check-in 6:00PM, Pre-Ride Details and Group Photo 6:10PM, then Wheels Down, Clipped N Rollin at 6:15PM
Location:Trek Greensboro 3721 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410
Routes: 12-mile route: [12 Mile Route]( or 20-mile route: [20 Mile Route]( want to push it to 25 miles? Ride to the end of Plainfield Road and then circle back to the route.
Don't forget nutrition and hydration for the ride. 
Helmets and blinking lights required!

Attention! We're calling on anyone who owns the bright green We Ride We Vote jersey, to proudly wear it for this week's ride. 💚💚💚

🍪🥤🍻 Post-Ride Celebration 
- Indulge in complimentary snacks, drinks, and even some brews at the finish line! It's a party you won't want to miss!

**Remember- This week we are sporting our green 💚💚💚 "We Ride, We Vote" jerseys.

We also hope to see you at the Ride of Silence, Wednesday, May 15th where MTCCNC and MTCCSC will honor the memory of James Tracey Davis. 

Please "text" me if you have questions. 336-430-6186

Warm regards,
Anjie Blount
Major Taylor Cycling Club Event Host
The True Hostess With the Mostess!

Major Taylor Cycling Club North Carolina
Trek Bicycle Greensboro

Anjie Blount

May 14, 2024, 12:03:50 PM5/14/24
to Triad Ride List
CANCELED: Tonight’s Tuesday Night MTCCNC and Trek Bicycle Greensboro 
Hope things are better for tomorrow night’s Ride of Silence! 
See yall at Trek Bicycle Greensboro next week!!
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