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Roshan Robin

Jul 30, 2019, 7:53:26 AM7/30/19
to Trelby
Q1: Why Robotics education?
Section 1: Intro to Computers
A writing in top ?In 1978? and shows an image of computer must show on the left side. Voice:? In 1978, computers where introduced and lot of people ?a symbol of people is popped up and ?did not guess this will create a drastic change in our life? and question mark appear in front of them.

People icons with doing accounting works, ?The main concerns? people icon exclaiming to money ?of people was? People icon with disappointment sign because of failure ?It will take all our Job? same time script of Job must be shown, ?Some people thought it would be very expensive so that it won?t influence us, thus we don?t want to focus on it?, same time script of expensive must show. ?people where reluctant to learn about computers by thinking they would be so hard.? Clean screen? And the end what happened? time proved these where superstitions?

A writing of ?Today? and an icon of a laptop and smart phone can be shown, ?Today, computers are unavoidable part of today?s life.? people pops up and using laptop and smart phones giving a feel work made easy. Note: don?t give a feel of additive use of technology. ?People who are not familiar with this technology is removed from today?s society? icon of some people removed and left alone in the society. This must make them feel their kids must not left behind this coming era.

Section 2: Govt policies stating it is true

Plane, ?adding to it, in 2019?, ?In 2019? script in top, ?Artificial Intelligence and machine learning was added to the curriculum of CBSE?, an icon of govt passing the bill must be shown, ?This indicates even govt is believing that robotics is going to make future for the kids?, In bracket mention that Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is part of robotics. This frame must certify that even govt of India wants students to learn about robotics.

?Not only that, govt of India has initiated a project called Atal Tinkering Lab?, in this animation of student icons must do robotics works like mechanical drilling, soldering, programming, and designing using hologram with friends(which show a team working on a dream project) ?, where 1,00,000 selected school?, the figure ?1,00,000? must be highlighted and multiple images of students working must be added, ?will be funded to start robotics lab in the school so that students can convert their ideas into fully finished models?

This frame must certify that even govt of India wants students to learn about robotics.

Q2: What is the proof that robotics is emerging?

Section 1:

?By 2030?, ?2030?, ?driverless cars will be on the road?, an art of a driver riding a car and suddenly the driver is disappearing. ?Could you believe? Now you just have to say where to go, the car will take you. Companies like Uber?, show logo of ?Uber with its driver less cars? ?is already conducting its road test?s now?

?Now don?t think this will cause a loss of job of a driver?, art of the driver sitting next to car and crying because of job loss, ?when 1 unskilled job is lost, 3 other skilled job are created in the era?, a thinking cloud of 3 question marks appear above the driver.

?when driver less cars arrive, we need smart people to improvise the ?, an art of a man working on computer, ?working of the car?, ?We need fast and skilled minds?, show art of man working maintance of car using robot, ?on maintenance and repair of the car?. ?Also, we need people to work on
Research development in this sector?, art of scientist working, ?to bring novel ideas to the public?. All the art is shown around the moving driving less car. At the end an art to show the driver moves to any 3 of the job which result in high pay. ?Thus, the pay scale and living style of people improves?

Section 2:

?Just to prove that, in earlier times whole operations in an Industry was done by humans?, art of humans working in an assembly line, ?Slowly the number of humans began to decrease and the number and more specialized machines started to come?, an art of no: of humans began to decrease and the machines began to increase- like in 1st second 5 men and no machine, then 3 men and 2 machines, then 2 men and 3 machine, then 1 men controlling all 5 machines, ? In industry 4.0, more specialized machines are available which can work automatically if we programmed it once for the task? an art of assembly line and all robot arm working.

?Thus, humans will be more into innovative activities than? and art of showing a man planning looking to board and alongside the full robots working alone ?doing the repetitive job which increase their skill and knowledge base day by day?

?There are more than 30 companies in the world? symbol of 30 companies from different parts of world, ?who replaced unskilled and repetitive labor work completely with robots.? ?In that includes firms like DHL and tesla.?, show the image of both company?s robotic plants, ?By the year 2030 over 50% of the industries and even retail outlets will be fully automated?

Section 3:

?Do not get exclaimed by hearing, ASTER Medcity, a hospital in Kochi, Kerala, have done 60 robotic surgery in just 6 months span?-together- ?60 robotic surgery conducted by Aster Medcity Kochi? and show the relevant newspaper cutting.

?So now surgery and other medical operations can be done with high precision and accuracy?, showing doc operate and 2 others discuss looking to a TV.

?Now a hospital would also require people to check and maintain the equipment?, art shows an engineer work on the bio-medical equipment, ? Doctors must also be aware of robotics so that they can automate the process of surgery?, art of doctor designing a robot for surgery. ?Also, we need medical engineers to close watch each and every function the robot does?, in this a doctor investigates a screen when robot does works. ?Thus, here not only jobs increase, but the upskilling of existing jobs is also happening?

Section 4:

?Not only this, service industries like hotel management and tourism also have scope in robotics. In a restaurant in Kozhikode, Kerala, food is served by a humanoid robot?, show the pic of robot with Maniyan Pilla Raju, ?There are also many hotels and tourist attractions where the visitors are welcomed by cute and intelligent robot?, show pic of Sanbot welcoming people at Inker Robotics.

?There are even robots who can prepare food for us?, show a short video of Moley the robot who cooks. Along with the video play this - ?Now chefs can test and try various variety of dishes instead of spending time in cooking. The hotel will look neat and clean as the robots are set to clean the place regularly eliminating human errors.?

Section 5:

?Even the bureaucratic fields like banking and government sector is going to be automated? Showing so many people working on competitor and sitting like in a bank. ?This technology is called Block Chain? Blockchain appears in the top and the peoples are eliminated and interconnection like a network is used to connect all the computers together. ?With this technology, the data entered in secure thus human interaction can be avoided for verification. For e.g., you can avail bank loan in seconds because the system already knows your financial history and whether you can pay back the same.?

Section 6:

?So we have seen that when one unskilled labor disappear? art shows eliminating the 1 unskilled labor will give 3 skilled labor in the new era of robotics ?3 skilled job with great salary and work environment is created.?

Q3: Why all students must learn about robotics?

Section 1:

?So, the question is are you future ready?? The question is scripted in the full screen ?But before that, let?s see why you need to be future ready?

Section 2:

?Not all students have passion to become a scientist, inventor or engineer in Robotics?, showing a group of students with thinking cloud. In that over 40% students must think about robotics and others must have lawyers, doctors, artist, etc. ?But as we saw, robotics will be applied to every field. Thus knowledge in robotics education will give your child a better edge to coming generation?, this time along with their passion a symbol robotics must be added to the thinking cloud, and right after that a comparison of a normal doctor/lawyer aspirate child must be done with a child who does not have education in robotics. In the comparison showcase robotics kids have an upper hand.

Roshan Robin

Jul 30, 2019, 7:56:30 AM7/30/19
to Trelby
this is for motion graphics explainer video
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