i just started my first Treesaver Project. Running pretty good and i like working with it a lot!
I am doing a completely dynamic app, the content is generated n the fly by javascript and injected into treesaver. All this works fine.
Now i tried to get an article overview in the sidebar, i just cant get it to scroll.
i tried the scroll/scrollable/scroll-container classes but nothing seems to happen. I even tried this with static html inside the figure but still nothing.
Can anyone help?
i searched inside the treesaver debug build and i saw that my figure is correctly found by:
Scrollable.initDomTree = function(root) {
var els = dom.querySelectorAll('.scroll', root);
// Root element can be scrollable as well
if (dom.hasClass(root, 'scroll')) {
// Initialize all
sadly that doesnt seem to do anything :(