Column width

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Mar 4, 2011, 11:13:22 AM3/4/11
to Treesaver
@fortes, @bram_stein (and @RogerBlack),
Thaks for your vision, for all your hard-work on this library, and
making it OpenSource.

I need a push, about variable columns widths:
- Is there any rule for defining different columns widths within a
publication, an article and/or a simple-page?
- I guess it should be simple inherited css rules (straight forward).
But i couldn't figure out the pattern .
- For technical reference, i Inspected some Nomad editions, but i was
not able to replicate the most simple example.


Filipe Fortes

Mar 5, 2011, 6:36:46 PM3/5/11
Treesaver doesn't currently support variable column-widths within an article -- this is due to performance reasons (supporting variable column widths would make layout much, much slower).

To clarify, you must have a consistent column width per article per device. This means that a "Sports" article can have a different column width than "Entertainment" article. Or an article can have a different column width on the iPhone than on a desktop -- but you can't mix within the same article.

If you want to have different sets of grids for "Entertainment" and "Sports" -- you do so by setting the data-grids attribute on the <article> tag:

<article data-grids="sports">

That will restrict Treesaver to looking only at Grids that have class=sports.

- filipe

Mark Kessler

Feb 22, 2013, 3:37:52 PM2/22/13
I am aware that this is an old thread but maybe you could still clarify one point for me that I don't understand: what exactly do you mean with "an article can have a different column width on the iPhone than on a desktop"? How does this translate in a code example? I am trying to set different column withs for different grids (for tablet and smartphones) but I am not able to do that.
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