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Fwd: [trec2018] TREC 2018: conference registration open

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Laura Dietz

Aug 30, 2018, 4:46:59 PM8/30/18

Please register for TREC!


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Subject: [trec2018] TREC 2018: conference registration open
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2018 14:53:00 -0400
From: Ellen Voorhees <>

Dear TREC 2018 participants,

Conference registration for the TREC 2018 meeting is now open.  See the conference page in the active participants' section of the web site.  Remember that you must be a member of a group that submitted at least one valid run to TREC 2018 (or a government invitee) to attend the conference.

 A detailed agenda will not be available until mid-to-late-October.   For travel planning purposes, the general structure of the conference will remain the same as previous years: the Overview talk will be on Wednesday morning, the poster session (which everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in) will be on Wednesday afternoon, the conference dinner will be Wednesday evening, and Thursday and Friday will consist of two-way parallel track sessions plus multi-way parallel TREC 2018 planning sessions. The conference will end early afternoon on Friday.   The dates of the main conference are Wednesday--Friday November 14--16, 2018. 

The conference registration fee will be approximately US$272 (food-inclusive option).  We set the registration fee to just cover costs, so there are no special-rate (e.g., student) registrations.  The registration fee includes the copy of the notebook on a USB key, coffee breaks (if the food-inclusive option is selected), the conference dinner on Wednesday night (ditto), and transportation to/from NIST and the conference hotel.  The conference does not provide lunch; attendees may purchase lunch on their own in the NIST cafeteria or go off campus for lunch.

The conference is held on the NIST grounds and thus pre-registration is absolutely mandatory.  Non-US citizens will need to show their passports to enter the NIST grounds.  If the passport you will use is issued by the People's Democratic Republic of Korea,  Iran, Sudan, or Syria please let Angela ( know as soon as possible but not later than Oct. 9  because there are additional steps that must be performed to arrange for your entry to the NIST grounds.  If you need an invitation letter to attend the conference, you can request the letter from Angela Ellis  [see the earlier message in the TREC email archive for details].



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