City Transportation Issues Coordinating Council at the TRB Annual Meeting

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Stephanie Dock

2022年1月6日 13:33:362022/1/6
收件人 TRB Major Cities Committee

Hello friends of the City Transportation Issues Coordinating Council,

The TRB Annual Meeting is nearly here and with it, we are finally reconvening for a Council meeting on Tuesday, January 11th at 4pm ET. The agenda and information on other Council-sponsored sessions are attached, along with a calendar invite. 

Given the realities of a pandemic conference, I am including a virtual option (Teams) for the meeting and I will do my best with those in the room to make this a successful hybrid meeting. As plans are fluid for many, any of the items listed here may change.

We also have two sessions planned: a workshop on Sunday morning on research needs development and a panel with city DOT leaders (Veronica Davis of Houston and Michael Carroll of Philadelphia) on Tuesday morning.

Safe travels to those venturing to DC. I hope to see more of you when travel and gatherings are safer.




Stephanie Dock

Chair, TRB City Transportation Issues Coordinating Council (A0030C)

City Transportation Issues Coordinating Council Agenda AM2022.pdf
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