Monthly committee update

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Stephanie Dock

Sep 2, 2014, 5:36:53 PM9/2/14
Hello Members and Friends of the TRB Major Cities Committee,

Here is your regular summary of committee updates and "in case you missed it" recent blog posts:

Committee Meeting. Our next committee meeting will be Friday, October 24th, 11:15am - 12:15pm Pacific at the NACTO Designing Cities Conference. We should have GoToMeeting capabilities, details coming soon. We like to know who to expect, so please let us know if you are planning to join

We would like to have a couple research presentations again, like we did at our mid-year meeting this year. If you would like to present, please email Ema Yamamoto your research presentation topic by the end of September.

Committee Name. During our 2013 mid-year meeting strategic plan discussion, the committee decided to strike the work "U.S." from our name. This change from "major U.S. cities" to "major cities" was proposed to strengthen the committee by giving us a broader reach and acknowledges the similar urban issues faced abroad (and in neighboring Canadian cities). TRB has officially approved the name change and ABE30 is now the "Transportation Issues in Major Cities Committee"

Annual Meeting. As summer comes to a close (though it sure doesn't feel it here in DC!), the lead up to the TRB Annual Meeting begins. Annual meeting registration is now open - register early, particularly if you are also making hotel reservations. New location, new hotels!

Paper review season is underway - reviews are due September 15th! To help you with that, we've had two recent blog posts about reviewing:

The Cheat Sheet for Reviewing TRB Papers
As August rolls in, the Transportation Research Board’s paper review season begins. Over the next few months TRB staff and committees will pull into high gear to review over three thousand papers to determine suitability for presentation and publishing. For many of us involved with TRB, paper reviews can seem like a time-consuming chore, however reviews are central to TRB’s mission. Here’s some tips to guide you as a paper reviewer...

First Time Peer Review Jitters? Advice From One Reviewer to Another

A letter from one young reviewer to other newcomers to the review process. Even when you're not sure you're an expert, your review is important!

Happy September to all!

Committee Communications Coordinator
TRB Transportation Issues in Major US Cities (ABE30)
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