Committee updates from the blog

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Stephanie Dock

Aug 7, 2014, 12:21:15 PM8/7/14
Hello Members and Friends of the TRB Major Cities Committee,

If you have been to the committee website of late, you'll know that there is a blog feature now up there. This is part of an effort to grow our interactions outside committee meetings and to make better use of our web presence. We are working to put up posts of interest to the committee, both updates and topical matters. To encourage you to check out what we've posted, I'll be sending out periodic emails with updates from the blog along with the usual announcements.

Rina, Ema, myself and the other members of the communications subcommittee hope this will be a useful way to promote what this committee is thinking about. Please send me any thoughts you have, positive or negative, and definitely let me know if you are interested in putting up a post!

With that, here's our "in case you missed it" listing of recent updates!

The Cheat Sheet for Reviewing TRB Papers
As August rolls in, the Transportation Research Board’s paper review season begins. Over the next few months TRB staff and committees will pull into high gear to review over three thousand papers to determine suitability for presentation and publishing. For many of us involved with TRB, paper reviews can seem like a time-consuming chore, however reviews are central to TRB’s mission. Here’s some tips to guide you as a paper reviewer...

Committee Call Follow-Up
Following up on our committee call on July 8th, there are several action items - including a request for non-traditional stakeholder names due to Ema by August 15th.

In the Transportation / Land Use Debate, Both Sides Are Right
Check out this post from Phil Lasley about the mobility/accessibility debate. Phil is going to be adding to this topic in periodic posts, so check out where the debate starts!
(Note: we're working on getting a commenting feature up, but for now that doesn't work. Sorry!)

Happy August to all!

Committee Communications Coordinator
TRB Transportation Issues in Major US Cities (ABE30)
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