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Fellowship Opportunity - Legal Aspects of Autonomous Driving @ Stanford University Center for Automotive Research

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Mar 7, 2011, 5:26:12 PM3/7/11
to VehicleHighwayAutomation,
Dear Members and Friends,
We received a request to share this following announcement with the
AHB 30 community. Many of you listened to Dr. Sven Beiker, the
Executive Director of Stanford University's Center for Automotive
Research (CARS) talk about the creation of a fellowship at Stanford
University at the committee meeting at the during the 2011TRB Annual
Meeting . Here are some additional inputs about the fellowship:

The Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS) and the Stanford
Law School Center for Internet and Society (CIS) offer a joint
residential fellowship to examine the legal and policy aspects of
autonomous driving. The primary responsibility of the fellow will be
to research the advantages of, and challenges posed by, an increasing
variety of autonomous vehicles and vehicle features and, as
appropriate, to recommend legal and policy interventions. In addition,
the fellow will develop scholarship, attend and plan lectures and
symposia, supervise interested students, and otherwise form an active
part of the CARS and CIS communities. The fellow will be co-supervised
by a lawyer and an engineer and have access to a wide variety of legal
and technical experts. This is a one-year opportunity with the
possibility of renewal.

Click the URL below for additional details made available on the AHB30

Pls. forward your questions to Dr. Sven Beiker:
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