Dear members,
This morning we were notified that the proceedings from the recently
concluded Intelligent Vehicle Technology Transfer (IVTT) Joint
Military/Civilian Workshop on IntelliDrive are made available online.
Upon a quick glance, I found these proceedings to be an excellent
resource/reference. Shown below is the e-mail from Dr. Bob
Finkelstein, the workshop coordinator, forwarded to us by TRB staff.
Thank you, Dr. Finkelstein for sharing the proceedings with our TRB
Vehicle Highway Automation Committee members.
Andy Palanisamy
Secretary, TRB Vehicle Highway Automation Committee
Intelligent Vehicle Technology Transfer (IVTT) Stakeholders,
I am pleased to announce that the Proceedings for the Intelligent
Vehicle Technology Transfer (IVTT) Joint Military/Civilian Workshop on
IntelliDrive are now available for your perusal and downloading
pleasure. Please link to our website at
and go to the "Prior Events" tab and then click on "Workshop 2009" to
access the Presentations and other Workshop information.
(Alternatively, you can copy paste the following link:
Our Workshop was deemed a great success, and the DOT's developing
IntelliDrive system of systems can help satisfy the DOD's needs for
complex networks of sensors, vehicles, communications, and control
centers. I thank all of the Workshop's participants, especially the
Speakers for their fascinating presentations and our sponsor, Melanie
Dumas of DARPA, for making the IVTT Project possible. I look forward
to seeing you at our next event.
Best wishes,
Dr. Robert Finkelstein
Robotic Technology Inc.