Registration for 2013 TRB@Stanford Road Vehicle Automation Workshop will close on Wednesday July 3

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Andy Palanisamy

Jul 1, 2013, 3:44:48 PM7/1/13
I write on behalf of the Planning Committee for the TRB@Stanford Road Vehicle Automation Workshop ( to inform you that registration will close on Wednesday July 3. We are appreciative of the overwhelming response to the Workshop, but we have reached the capacity of our facilities and will be unable to accommodate additional registrations. 

For those who will be unable to attend the Workshop, we will be providing a web-based video cast of theTuesday-Thursday morning plenary sessions. In addition, we will record the plenary presentations for future reference, and all plenary and break-out session presentations and research needs statements will be posted to our website. Check the website [] closer to the workshop date for further details. 

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