Hello all,
Mark Bradford from USDOT forwarded a webinar announcement that some of you might find of interest.
RITA Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Webinar Outreach Series
Introducing BTS’ Geographic Information Services Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 1:30pm–2:30pm (Eastern Time) Conference Center - Room 6
To participate in the webinars, please visit: http://fhwa.adobeconnect.com/actsmeeting/ and click on “Enter as Guest,” type your name, and enter the room. A 1-800 number will be provided on the website. Please make requests for special accommodations at least 3 days in advance. Webinar is closed captioned. For more information, contact RITA...@dot.gov or 1-800-853-1351.
Before accessing the webinar check your computer for compatibility by clicking to this link: http://admin.acrobat.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
Presented by Derald Dudley—Mr. Dudley has a bachelor’s degree in Geography from Towson University, a master’s degree in Computer Science from Hood College, was a Cartographer with the Marine Chart Division at NOAA from 1996 to 2001, and has been a Geographer with BTS from 2001 to the present. His presentation will provide information about Windows Foundation Services, REST Services, the Structurally Deficient Bridges application, the State Facts application, and future efforts.
Martin Catala
Manager GIS and Informatics Group
Center for Urban Transportation Research
4202 East Fowler Ave (CUT100)
Tampa, FL 33620