T&T: Trawler window glass

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David Bagby via Trawlers-and-Trawlering

Jun 1, 2015, 3:09:38 PM6/1/15
to traw...@lists.trawlering.com
Hi all.
I have a 1984 Island Gypsy 36 with a front window pane that has a small
crack in it :-(
As we have the frames stripped in prep to be refinished, I'm thinking we
should first open the frame and replace the glass.

I'm looking for advise as to what glass should be used for the
replacement. I'm pretty sure the old glass is single pane. Exact
thickness is not known, but I can measure that once the frame is opened.

What is the group wisdom re replacement glass type?
Simple single pane again? (Easy to source and get cut to shape).
A laminated safety glass pane? (local shops tell me they have to special
order this as they can't cut the curved upper corner in safety glass)

Would a laminated safety glass be the same appearance as the old panes
when looking out?

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.


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Rich Gano via Trawlers-and-Trawlering

Jun 1, 2015, 3:53:56 PM6/1/15
to Da...@mvcalypso.com, Trawlers-and-Trawlering
Luckily, my several replacements over the years have always been
straight-edged. I dunno what ABYC says about the glass, but you will be
feeling much safer behind safety glass when the big waves hit. If anybody
ever feel or leaned against the window and it broke single pane could be
deadly. One of my original (Thank you, Grand Banks) safety glass windows
was cracked by somebody being thrown into it during a roll.

Rich Gano
Calypso (GB42)
Panama City, FL
https://sites.google.com/site/grandbanks42 sale/

> Hi all.
> I have a 1984 Island Gypsy 36 with a front window pane that has a small
> in it :-( As we have the frames stripped in prep to be refinished, I'm
> we should first open the frame and replace the glass.
> I'm looking for advise as to what glass should be used for the
> I'm pretty sure the old glass is single pane. Exact thickness is not
known, but I
> can measure that once the frame is opened.
> What is the group wisdom re replacement glass type?
> Simple single pane again? (Easy to source and get cut to shape).
> A laminated safety glass pane? (local shops tell me they have to special
> this as they can't cut the curved upper corner in safety glass)
> Would a laminated safety glass be the same appearance as the old panes
> when looking out?

Roy Nelson via Trawlers-and-Trawlering

Jun 2, 2015, 12:24:14 AM6/2/15
to traw...@lists.trawlering.com
From: David Bagby <Da...@MVCalypso.com>
To: traw...@lists.trawlering.com
Subject: T&T: Trawler window glass
Message-ID: <556CADF3...@MVCalypso.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi all.
I have a 1984 Island Gypsy 36 with a front window pane that has a small
crack in it :-(
As we have the frames stripped in prep to be refinished, I'm thinking we
should first open the frame and replace the glass.

I'm looking for advise as to what glass should be used for the

All of the window glass in my 2006 IG 32 is marked “tempered.”

Roy Nelson
IG 32-160
Our Choice
Clear Lake, Galveston Bay, TX

Greg Bowers via Trawlers-and-Trawlering

Jun 2, 2015, 7:40:36 AM6/2/15
to Da...@mvcalypso.com, traw...@lists.trawlering.com
You are going to the wrong glass shop. Find a commercial shop. One that does storefronts etc. Most will have laminated safety glass in stock and can cut radius corners. I've had to do that on other occasions. That does come in different shades so take the broken one with you. Also make a template.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

David Bagby via Trawlers-and-Trawlering

Jun 2, 2015, 4:50:52 PM6/2/15
to Greg Bowers, traw...@lists.trawlering.com
I've received several replies to my question re window glass - many
thanks for that.
I'll use safety glass as several have suggested. I also really
appreciate the pointer re finding a commercial glass shop.
I did some more calling this morning and turned up a shop that can do
the cutting that's needed.

Now to go get the frame opened up... :-)
Thanks again to the list!

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