Is The Facebook Unfriend App Legit

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Ayana Munsen

Jun 26, 2024, 5:44:07 AM (12 days ago) Jun 26
to travholllohe

I ran a successful satire facebook page that had nearly 90,000 followers, but many people did not understand satire and kept reporting my page (this is a common problem, some people just a wired in a way that they do not understand satire, no matter how obvious it is).

Hi! I manage a business page and am currently set as an admin to that page, although I am not the original creator of the business page. The owner and original creator of the business page recently asked if he could delete his personal FB account without having any repercussions to the business page.

is the facebook unfriend app legit

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The first name was the first part of the business name, and the last name was the last part of the business name. The fake profile has been suspended by Facebook and is under review for thirty days, but I need to know what is going to happen to the page that is still needed if Facebook permanently cancels the fake profile.

Hi Therese. We have the similar problem. The owner the pages account was hacked and facebook disabled our account. As we were using our companys name on the account, we could not verify our account. Facebook will delete our account 20 days later. We have 4 different admins who manage our page. When our page owners account is deleted, can we still reach the page. I hope you can see my message and give an answers. Thank you in advance.

I need a help. I post one video with some tiktok videos in it. But one of then had copyrighted (about 10s).
Because of that the holy video was removed and 2 days after this my personal account was desactivaded. I sent a request submit to try get my account back.

I need an solution to my problem and I appear to be getting nowhere trying to sort it out with FB and it is driving me mad. I have FB business and I had 2 profiles that I was admin on, I decided to delete my 2nd profile and just keep my original one which is where I created my FB business page, now it seems that I have lost ownership of my FB business page and I am unable to connect it to instagram because I am not the owner, I am not sure how to fix it, I would be grateful for any suggestions please.

Hi, I am an admin with full admin rights on a business page. The previous manager originally set the page up but a falling out has meant she deleted herself from the page but all the log in credentials are incorrect. How can I recover the original credentials so we can reset to the new owner? The log in from our work phone just logs me into that previous managers personal account.

Hello everyone! I have an emergency here. My account which was an admin for a business page is out of no reason deactivated by facebook. This page is also linked with my business Instagram account. Fortunately I have got a new facebook account now and rebuild a new page with the same name as my former one. But I cannot link this page to my ins anymore. How can I remove my former page from Instagram, since I am not admin anymore. Could anyone help me? Thank you!

Hi there. I am taking over ownership of a business. The previous owner has removed himself as an admin, but has only left me as an editor. So there is no way for anyone to now take control of the group and add a new admin.

My question is, if I delete an old admin person, who no longer works for me, but she has created a bunch of ads under her own account, will those ads still be available to me on my business settings page? Or do all the ads that she created get deleted along with her?

Hi I have a Facebook page that has an editor the administration account was brought down by Facebook but the page is still there, the editor can continue posting but the question is how can the editor claim ownership and become an administrator or how can the administration right be reclaimed?

My facebook was recently hacked, the hacker added himself as a friend to my list and appointed himself as the admin of my page and deleted me and my co-workers as admins. Either way non of us can access the page which still exists but I cannot claim it either, I have tried reporting this to fb with all proof that the page is mine but there is no positive response. The hacker has used my card to pay for his page ad campaigns so i had to block my card, now everytime his ad is disabled, he tries to hack into my account.

Hello Therese how are you? I have a question I have a Facebook account and today Facebook send me an email that they will disabled my account in 30 days and will be permanently if i do not submit my Id for review because I was not following the community guidelines. I tried but I could not login. My question is will I lose my page when they disabled my Facebook account? But I put 3 people as admin in my Facebook account. Will they also lose the page after Facebook closed my Facebook account permanent?

Yes, you can change it back, go to your Facebook profile click the 3 lines At the top right side you will see your pages click on the one you want to change the name or edit then select the settings option still at the top right hand then you will see page info click on it you will see name and others you can click on it then type the new one you want the you will scroll down to click save below and the new changes will appear

The festival claimed the page because you may have been using their name without permission and especially if you were sending out ads. That is misleading and they could have sued you so be happy they just took over your page.

The page that I administer was originally created by my friend. He is no longer on this page as an admin and I am the only admin left. First, this page still has a page owner associated with it which was created by the original creator of the page I now admin. As the only admin left I see that I have the option to disconnect the page I admin from the page owners business page and if I do so, will I lose control of the page I am administering?

We have a Facebook school district page and created a Facebook group page tied to the school district page. We unpublished the Facebook page but noticed the FB group page had not posts after that. How can we unpublished the regular FB page and keep the group page active?

I am using my husbands facebook page which he does not use anymore . I would like to be the primary or administrator of this page. I cannot remove his email address from the page and he gets emails from people from my facebook friends. I would like to stop him from getting these emails. Please advise.

Hello hope you can solve this mystery. I was added as an admin on a Facebook Page. The original admin left the page and I see it clearly I was the only admin on the page. But after a couple of minutes he was able to remove me as an admin. I tried to test what he did but I failed, I tried to deactivate and delete my account but it will just gray out the name as an admin and still visible but this person was able to exit as an admin but a couple of minutes he was able to regain the ownership. Any thoughts? He do this on scamming people since he sell the fb page for a lower price then later on he can get back the page.

Hi there! im also the sole admin in my page there is no other admin , and i removed myself from admin, and the page has no admin. If i delete my account does the page will be gone too? Because i created a new one that i prefer.
Please help!

Please help, I created a Facebook profile, after some years I created a Facebook fan page. I was the admin and made my wife moderator. Last year I permanently deleted my profile without making my wife an admin of the page. Now I need the page, but my wife as a moderator is limited to the features of an admin. How can I retrieve the account back or make her admin

Hello, I am a former admin of a page and as well was trying to be more effective with business fb manager. Somehow I deleted me from the page as admin so I cannot admin the page. The owner of business is a redactor. Any suggestions in here please? I really dont know how it happened.

Thank for sharing your knowledge. I have a further question, we have a business page and there was one admin and one editor. The admin deleted his personal account and the editor can not add another admin. Is this possible in any way?

I have several pages that I am the admin for and I removed an editor due to a conflict of interest. Since that person was removed, I thought the system would automatically remove her name from previous posts she had published on the pages however, it has not. How can I change who published previous posts?

I have page on facebook. My friend and I are the admins of this page. I remove myself as an admin then later on my friend add me again as an admin. While editing the page I change my role as an admin to editor then I remove myself on a page role so my friend is the only admin on that page. When my friend add me again as an admin and click Accept I still dont have access on that page and when she check it on the settings page role it is still pending but I already tap Accept for several times. I dont know what happen. Hopefully someone could help me resolve this issue.

Hi Therese,
We had a previous owner of our company set up our business Facebook page. He has been bought out and he made me the new admin. He has recently notified us that he no longer wants any affiliation with the page and claims he cannot fully remove himself because he created the page. He has let us know he will be deleting the page in 30 days, but we do not want the page deleted. Is he correct and is there anything we can do? Thanks for any help you can give.

I made my personal account an admin of the page and attached group, and now have complete visibility again! How odd!
But I did see that the age restrictions are on the setting you suggested, so I am not sure if maybe there is a glitch there?

Hello ,
My fb profile is disabled
Now it has one page connected to it.
But im the only one admin
What happens to that page ?
Username still shows already taken.
Will page gets deleted or it will stay for lifetime ?

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