ၿမန္မာႏိူင္ငံ၏ Tourism Promotion ကို ၿမွင့္တင္ ၿပသသူ မ်ား သည္ Travel & Tours Company ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ားမၿဖစ္သင့္ပါေၾကာင္း

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Jan 8, 2014, 12:31:12 AM1/8/14
to travelmyanmar
Facebook /Travel Myanmar Group တြင္ ေဆြးေႏြးေနသည္ကုိ တဆင့္ ျပန္လည္ ေဖာ္ျပပါသည္။


Kay Thwe Soe/Travel Myanmar Group
ၿမန္မာ Government မွေသာ္ ၎၊မည္သည့္ Travel Association မ်ားမွေသာ္ ၎၊ကိုယ္စားၿပဳ ၍
ခရီးသြားၿပပြဲမ်ားသို ့သြားေရာက္၍ ၿမန္မာႏိူင္ငံ၏ Tourism Promotion ကို
ၿမွင့္တင္ ၿပသသူ မ်ား
သည္ Travel & Tours Company ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ားမၿဖစ္သင့္ပါေၾကာင္းဆႏၵထုတ္ေဖာ္ပါသည္။
All Comments are Welcome!

Khin Maung Htwe: ၁။ ဘာေၾကာင့္ မျဖစ္သင့္ပါသလဲ
၂။ ဘယ္သူေတြ ျဖစ္သင့္ပါသလဲ
(က်ေနာ္က ခရီးသြားကုမၸဏီမွေတာ့ မဟုတ္ပါ)
January 3 at 5:54pm • Like

Kay Thwe Soe: yes , if they are owner they will promote for their
company . The person who should not have their own travel company
January 3 at 5:56pm • Like • 3

Khin Maung Htwe: Thanks, who will pay for the expenses because I am
willing to do so
January 3 at 5:57pm • Like

Kay Thwe Soe: Govrt or all association member
January 3 at 6:02pm • Like • 2

Khin Maung Htwe:
January 3 at 6:02pm • Like

Rose Aung: In Thailand ... officials of TAT use to take care for
promotion matter including Travel Show and promotion materials ...
(TAT= Tourism Authority of Thailand)
January 3 at 7:09pm • Edited • Like • 3

Khin Maung Htwe: TAT hosted a puppet festival in Chiang Mai in
February 2013 and we were there but we never got support from neither
January 3 at 8:04pm • Edited • Like • 2

Khin Maung Htwe: https://www.facebook.com/.../%E0%B8%87%E0.../155049121315491
January 3 at 7:59pm • Like • 1

Thatoe Thuzaraung: ခရီးသြားၿပပဲြေတြမွာ အသင္းအဖြဲ႔ကို
ကိုယ္စားၿပဳသြားတဲ႔သူက ကုမၸဏီပိုင္ရွင္ဆိုရင္ သူ႔ကုမၸဏီကိုပဲ promote
ယုန္ကို ဂိုေဒါင္ေစာင္႔ခုိင္းတဲ႔ သေဘာ၊ပူးေပါင္းၾကံစည္တဲ႔သေဘာေပါ႔။
ကုမၸဏီပိုင္ရွင္တစ္ဦးအတြက္ ကုမၸဏီေတြအားလုံးက ေငြေၾကးစိုက္ထုတ္ေပးရတဲ႔႔
မၾကာမီသြားမယ္႔ ခရီးသြားပြဲေတာ္ေတြမွာ ဒီလိုအၿဖစ္မ်ိဳးရိွလာရင္၊ရိွခဲ႔ရင္
ကြ်န္မအေနနဲ႔ကေတာ႔ သမၼတ၊၀န္ၾကီးတိုင္တာလည္း မလုပ္ဘူး။
ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္း ကိုယ္စားၿပဳဆိုၿပီးအရွက္နည္းနည္းနဲ႔ လက္တစ္လုံးၿခား
ၿပဳလုပ္တာကို အေထာက္အထားနဲ႔ေတြ႔ရင္ လုပ္ငန္းရွင္အားလုံးရဲ႔ အီးေမးလ္ကို
ေကာ္ပီခံၿပီး ေမးခြန္းေတြေမးမယ္။ ကာယကံရွင္ရဲ႔ လိပ္ၿပာသန္႔ရင္
ေမးခြန္းတိုင္းအတြက္ အေၿဖရိွရမယ္။ အားလုံးေရွ႔မွာ ေၿဖႏိုင္ရမယ္။ မည္သည္႔
လွဳပ္ရွားမွဳ႔မွ မေတြ႔ရိွေသးသေရႊ႔ကေတာ႔ ကြ်န္မအေနနဲ႔ ဒီေလာက္ပဲ
January 3 at 8:26pm • Edited • Like • 4

Kay Thwe Soe: haha U Khin Mg Htwe , you will never get support from them
January 4 at 10:03am • Like • 2

Win Zaw: At glance, the topic looks like someone wake up and raise the
question. In the reality, I believe there were no promotional events
with the association's expenses. Whoever attended in the past events
such as, ATF, WTM, TTM, ITB and more, the association organized to
secure larger booth and sold space under the same umbrella. It is much
depends on who join the event and share the cost of pavilion.
“ကုမၸဏီပိုင္ရွင္တစ္ဦးအတြက္ ကုမၸဏီေတြအားလုံးက ေငြေၾကးစိုက္ထုတ္ေပးရတဲ႔႔
သေဘာၿဖစ္သြားမွာေပါ႔” I do not really agree on this. I may disagree on
what they have charged if you want to join the event under the
umbrella of Myanmar Travel Association because the price are so
expensive compare to have its own booth by paying slightly higher with
more benefits. This is your own choice of joining the event as
individual with your own booth, whether affordable or not is your own
Of course the T/A association and Marketing Committee could have done
better transparency under the name of Myanmar Promotion if you get
free booths (such as, ATF, TTM or any other regional events). The old
practices should be changed where in the past the ministry did not
have budgets to participate in those events, the association with
privileged members used to promote their own companies.
TAT is not travel agents association in Thailand, that is a part of
govt’s body and it has its own budgetary, incomes so TAT can do lots
of promotion as well as issuing rules & regulations, acts, policies,
planning, organizing events, etc.. That cannot be compared with Travel
Agents association in MM.
If one wants to know more about TAT: visit the TAT act:
So, come back to the topic above, yes, we need a kind of Tourism
Authority of Myanmar to carry out our new Tourism Master Plan. Think
Positive, everything will be just fine
Tourism Authority of Thailand Act 1979
Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by and with the advice and
consent of the...See More
January 6 at 12:11pm • Like • 1 • Remove Preview

Khin Maung Htwe: Thank Ko Win Zaw for your informative comment . I
understood is Tourism needs a kind of Tourism Authority of Myanmar
rather than UMTA & MMC, isn't it?
January 6 at 2:37pm • Like

Harry Hpone Thant: My experience id that TAT allotted one booth at
annual TTM+ events for the Myanmar Ministry of Hotels & Tourism. The
Ministry then assigns UMTA to represent Myanmar at these events. Many
Myanmar travel agencies take out their own booths, on their own
expense, at TTM+ but for those companies who do not wish to open own
booth UMTA takes their brochures to be displayed at the Myanmar
booth.The booth is always staffed by UMTA staff(mostly by Daw Thidar
Htun, Head of office of UMTA until she retired). Of course other
Myanmar travel companies who participate at TTM+event or just visiting
TTM+ are welcomed at the Myanmar booth but they are on their own
Also as for U Khin Maung Htwe, he had never approached UMTA for any
support. His participation at various events abroad were the result of
direct invitations to him.
The participation of Myanmar travel agencies at WTM/ITB etc are also
organized by MMC but MMC is just an an organizer. Individual companies
contribute and are allotted and share space at the Myanmar booth. It
is like sharing the expense, as U Win Zaw explained. TAT is not a
trade association. UMTA is a trade association.In the Tourism Master
Plan there is a provision to form an agency like TAT in Myanmar also.
January 6 at 3:13pm • Like

Harry Hpone Thant: As in the link above TAT is a govt agency.
January 6 at 3:14pm • Like

Harry Hpone Thant: Even I(when I was Secy of UMTA) never went to TTM+
events on UMTA expense. It was only Daw Thidar Htun who staffed the
January 6 at 3:47pm • Like

Khin Maung Htwe: Thank Saya U Hpone Thant for detailed explanation. I
was a member of UMTA since we established HOMM in 2006. HOMM offered
UMTA to promote puppetry in their events and we'll be participated by
our own expenses. We just had an opportunity to perform for the ASEAN
deligates in a dinner. After that, no other interest to promote us. I
had to pay annual member fees only and finally ceased membership by
ourself. Daw Thidar Htun knows well about this.
Once, MMC brought us to Naypyidaw for Travel Show, they used us just
to show how they are promoting traditional culture. Finally, we
decided not to find the support in travel industry.
January 6 at 4:25pm • Like • 1

Aung Din: There are some who have same feeling.
January 6 at 7:03pm • Like • 1

Win Zaw: Creating topic and raising up is a good to argue and get the
experiences. However, As I mentioned in the other day when someone
posted about " အခ်ိန္ ၁၀မိနစ္ရမွဖတ္ပါ - talking about don't ask what
the Govt does for you, ask what you do for the country" the topic
should really raise to educate / give the correct information to
others. Not just with what you have assumed!
In fact, the above topic should really be discovered or learn directly
at the association if you are a member of that. Instead, it strays
others. In reality, the topic should be: What is UMTA doing? Passing
message that someone relocate their office, or relay message from MOT,
where MOT can instruct all regulations through emails, newspapers
In order to have a transparency, all EC or directors should only be
maximum 2 years terms (the current constitution of UMTA does not have
it), so that any other member who want to perform the objectives of
the association, they will have a chance. This will avoid all
misunderstanding on the association as well as there might be someone
who can do better than current ones, who knows.
If you welcome the comments, i believe a good time to change, the new
year is very still very young! Happy New Year to you all!
January 6 at 9:46pm • Like • 1

Harry Hpone Thant: U Win Zaw, as I understand there is now a committee
to review the UMTA Constitution. When the original Constitution was
drafted it was in a different environment so some of the clauses do
not confirm with democratic principles.But it was drafted by a legal
professional, translated into English my me and we had to put it up
for approval to MOHT. So , yes, we believe there are many clauses that
need to be amended to conform with today's environment. Then there
still need to draft the procedures and rules and regulations for the
Association-how to conduct the AGM, nomination process, the election,
financial regulations etc.We were not able to do that during our
tenure as we were not in reality an independent organization.
Yesterday at 3:45am • Like • 1

Win Zaw: Thanks U Harry, I fully understand the past scenario. Am not
blaming anyone. We are now in 2014 and I am sure you will agree that
the new generation won't have that much patient. I thought the last
AGM was in 2012, the country is rapidly changing and thinking to
review is not enough for sure. I hope this won't go up to the end of
the year.
Yesterday at 9:47am • Like • 1

Thatoe Thuzaraung: In the near future, I’ll participate UMTA meetings
and discussions to know how we can improve this association. I believe
we all need an association in which we can rely on.
As mentioned on Ko Win Zaw's comment, UMTA job today is only passing
message to travel agencies and sharing data analysis of tourist
arrival that we can also receive it easily via journals. Nothing
changes more throughout these years.
In terms of transparency, we should include for instance 2 years term
for EC and president of the association in a new constitution. Seeing
same persons for decades without any improvement of association make
misunderstanding among the members.
In fact, members still believe that UMTA is not representing the
agencies and is just an existing association appointed by former
According to U Harry Hpone Thant's comment, there is a committee to
review the constitution, so let’s see how it works ! I'm positive for
that matter.
If I allow giving my remarks, the election held by UMTA will NEVER
work as we all know that members do not interested of UMTA's election.
In reality, they are members because they have to be member of
existing association to be able to maintain their image and product.
That's it.
Why UMTA is so neglected by the members? The truth is, members just
don’t believe that UMTA represents them.
For being so, we do have to change this mindset. We need FULL
attention from every member in this domain.
How could we do?
The answer depends on the willingness of changing within actual
committee members, former gurus, pioneers (like U Phone Thant, U Aung
Kyaw…) and ( of course like ME who just ignored of UMTA affair during
former government for the reasons mentioned above). If so, new UMTA
will be born.
Yesterday at 11:07am • Like • 2

Harry Hpone Thant: Ma Thatoe is right when she said the previous UMTA
ECs were selected and appointed by the govt(i.e MHOT) and the election
was by electing a slate rather than individuals.And that was because
of the political environment at that time. But all Excom members of
UMTA of that time diligently worked for the betterment of the industry
despite the prevailing constraints and restraints during those times.
I hope , in the future, all will actively participate in the
activities to amend the Constitution to conform with democratic
principles as well as in other activities.
My thoughts are (1) any new methods for nomination to get more
participation and representation;(3) Oversight of the election
process;(4)Handling of questions at the AGM;(5) whether the Chairman
is elected as done now(i.e the elected ECs select the person from
among them to become the Chairman) or the members elected the
Chairman, Vice Chairmen, the Gen Secy and the Joint Gen Secy, the
Treasurer separately(other EC members can be elected in the normal
Yesterday at 11:45am • Edited • Like • 1
Harry Hpone Thant As for Thatoe's remarks that UMTA is just a post
office passing messages from MOHT I would like to suggest UMTA to make
their website more pro-active where all activities of UMTA are posted
with up to date news. For that I think there is now a fulltime IT
person and even a sub-Committee to oversee that work.
Yesterday at 11:24am • Like • 2

Harry Hpone Thant: During the previous times membership of UMTA was
compulsory, i.e MOHT demands the membership of UMTA to renew the
travel license. But now UMTA must show its potential and commitment to
advance and develop the industry and work for and on behalf of its
members and gain legitimacy, instill confidence. Only then the UMTA
membership will increase and gain the trust of its members
23 hours ago • Like • 1

Khin Maung Htwe: very very positive & informative
Yesterday at 11:35am • Like

Frankie Nyi Nyi: very interesting ... could you pls send this to
Travel...@GoogleGroups.com I hope you can hear more opinions..
43 minutes ago • Like • 1

Harry Hpone Thant: NN. You can do it. I do not know how

Aye Min Oo

Jan 8, 2014, 12:54:39 AM1/8/14
to travel...@googlegroups.com
  1. Juthamas is TAT new governor | TravelWeekly Asia

    Aug 23, 2002 - 23 August 2002BANGKOK - The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Board of Directors has appointed Juthamas Siriwan the new governor of ...
  2. Juthamas tipped as next TAT head - The Nation

    Juthamas Siriwan's role at the Tourism Authority of Thailand is shining, so much so that some say she is even outshining her boss, TAT Governor Pradech ...
  3. Thailand: NACC Investigate Corruption Case of Former TAT ... - iaaca

    Aug 24, 2010 - ... bribery claims being levelled against former Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Governor Juthamas Siriwan by a Los Angeles District Court.
  4. Juthamas resigns from PPP following bribery accusations | News ...

    Dec 21, 2007 - Former governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Juthamas Siriwan, yesterday (Dec 20) tendered her resignation as deputy head of ...
  5. Ex-TAT governor caught up in bribes probe - TravelMole

    Dec 20, 2007 - BANGKOK – The Bangkok Post says the political career of the former governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), Juthamas Siriwan, ...
  6. Former TAT Governor Juthamas Indicted | Tourism-Insider

    Jan 24, 2010 - Thought to have accepted bribes relating to the Bangkok Film Festival, former TAT Governor Juthamas Siriwan and her daughter Jittisopa ...
  7. Deadlock Broken Over Juthamas' Repeat As Governor Of Tat .

    Deadlock broken over Juthamas' repeat as governor of TAT . Suchat The Nation . Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Juthamas Siriwan is likely to see her ...

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Aye (mr.)
Payment Coordinator

Nyi Nyi ®

Jan 11, 2014, 4:36:31 AM1/11/14
to travel...@googlegroups.com
လက္ရွိမွာ UMTA ကပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္၊ MMC ကပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္၊ MTF ကပဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ ခရီးသြားျပပြဲေတြသြားေရာက္ျပသတဲ့အေပၚမွာ ပြင့္လင္းျမင္သာမႈ ကသာအဖြဲ႔၀င္ေတြေပၚမွာ အလုပ္လုပ္ျပရာေရာက္မွာျဖစ္ၿပီး၊ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ရင္ေတာ့ ခုေျပာသလို conflict of interest ျဖစ္ေနမွာေတာ့အေသအခ်ာပါပဲ။

UMTA က ATTA (The Association of Thai Travel Agents: ) လိုေနရာေပ့ါဗ်ာ။ MTPB/MMC ဆိုတာက ေနရာအရဆိုရင္ ဘာမွမဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ျမန္မာျပည္မွာ UMTA ရွိေပမယ့္ MTPB/MMC က ပိုၿပီး functional ျဖစ္တယ္။ အခု Myanmar Tourism Federation လား အဲ့ဒီဟာက TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) လိုသေဘာမ်ိဳးျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ သေဘာတရားနဲ႔ ဖြဲ႔စည္းပံု ဘယ္လိုတူတူ ..အလုပ္လုပ္တာ ကြာႏိုင္တယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ အခုခ်ိန္ထိ ဘယ္အဖြဲ႔အစည္းကမွ ထင္သာျမင္သာ၊ ေသေသခ်ာခ်ာ၊ ညိႈႏွိုင္း အလုပ္လုပ္တာမေတြ႔ဘူး။

လူႀကီးႀကိဳက္ (အဖြဲ႔ေတြက သူတို႔ ၀န္ႀကီးအႀကိဳက္လုပ္တာေတြျဖစ္ၿပီး၊ ၀န္ႀကီးေတြကလည္း သမၼတအႀကိဳက္ ပံုေဖာ္တာမ်ိဳးေတြပဲျဖစ္တယ္။) ေတြလုပ္တာမ်ားတယ္။ ျဖစ္သင့္တာက အဖြဲ႔အစည္းဆိုတာ အဖြဲ႔၀င္ကိုၾကည့္ၿပီးအလုပ္လုပ္တာမ်ိဳးပဲျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒီအဖြဲ႔ေတြထဲ... MRA စားေသာက္ဆိုင္အသင္းကေတာ့ ညီပံုရတယ္။ MHA ဟာ ဟိုတယ္လုပ္ငန္းရွင္ေတြအတြက္အလုပ္လုပ္ရမယ္ MTF ကဟိုတယ္ေတြအတြက္အလုပ္မလုပ္ရဘူး၊ tourism အတြက္ပဲလုပ္ရမယ္၊ UMTA ဟာ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းရွင္ေတြအတြက္အလုပ္လုပ္ရမယ္၊ MTF ကခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းရွင္ေတြအတြက္ အလုပ္မလုပ္ရဘူး (လုပ္မွာလည္းမဟုတ္ပါ ခုထိေတာ့..)၊ tourism အတြက္ပဲလုပ္ရမယ္။ MTF ဟာ ဟုိတယ္လုပ္ငန္းရွင္ေတြရဲ့ ၾသဇာ ခ်ည္းရွိလို႔မျဖစ္ဘူး၊ အားလံုး (စားေသာက္ဆိုင္၊ ခ၇ီးသြားလုပ္ငန္း၊ ပို႔ေဆာင္ေရး.....) ရဲ့စကားကို သမမွ်တစြာ နားေထာင္ရမယ္။ MTF ဟာ အရင္က ဦးတင့္ဆန္း (၀န္ႀကီး) ဦးေဆာင္လို႔ MHA က ဦးခင္ေရႊ (လႊတ္ေတာ္အမတ္၊ ေဇကမၻာ) ရဲ့ေလာင္းရိပ္ေအာက္ေရာက္ေနတာမ်ိဳးမျဖစ္သင့္ဘူး။

တစ္ဖက္ကျပန္ၾကည့္ေတာ့လည္း အားလံုးက ပါ၀င္ေဆာင္ရြက္လိုတဲ့စိတ္ရွိမွလည္းျဖစ္မယ္။ ကိုယ္တုိင္၀င္မပါဘူး၊ ေဘးထိုင္ၿပီး ဘုေျပာရင္ အလုပ္ျဖစ္မွာမဟုတ္ဘူး၊ ကိုယ္တိုင္၀င္တြန္းၾကည့္ရမယ္၊ မရခဲ့ရင္ lobby လုပ္ရမယ္။ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္မလဲ ..ကိုယ့္အဖြဲ႔အစည္းနဲ႔ ကိုယ္ .. ဥပေဒေဘာင္ထဲကေန ေျပာၾကဆိုၾကမယ္။

ဒီေန႔ကစၿပီး UMTA ထဲကလူက UMTA ထဲသြားတြန္းပါ။ MRA က MRA ထဲက ေရြ႔ယူပါ၊ MHA ...MTGA ..... ကိုယ့္ေဘာင္ထဲကကိုယ္လုပ္ၾကပါ။ MTF အေနနဲ႔ ငါ့အေဖ ငါ့ပေထြး ပါလို႔ဆိုတဲ့ပံုစံမ်ိဳးနဲ႔ ၿငိမ္ေနခဲ့ရင္ လည္း သူ႔ကို ဥပေဒေဘာင္ထဲက ၀ိုင္းတြန္းထုတ္ပစ္လိုက္ဖို႔သာရွိတယ္ လို႔ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္။

ေနေကာင္းေအာင္ေနၾကပါ။ ခ်စ္ခင္လ်က္။

Bo Saw

Jan 16, 2014, 3:22:16 AM1/16/14
to travel...@googlegroups.com
UMTA ကသာ အလုပ္လုပ္ပါ မယ္
ခရီးသြားျပပြဲေတြသြားေရာက္ျပသတဲ အေပၚမွာ ပြင့္လင္းျမင္သာမႈရွိဖို႔ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္။
Travel & Tours Company ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ား  ကသာ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္း ကို အသိ ဆံုး ပါ ။
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