The one what you about is not considrable to climb up on the uper most of superior terraces in Bagan

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Tomme Aung

Dec 18, 2012, 9:40:20 AM12/18/12

                  The one what you about is not considrable to climb up on the uper most of superior terraces in Bagan is conservative, rapidally eleminate on that case among guides....
Actually, I become a tour guide since the tourism began and carefully though to be avoid to go up to the top of doom cause the relics were enshrined inside the  religious monuments , I guess all Buddhist tour guides didn't think how dare they do sins to let the tourists go to the peak of brick piles...  in fact, it deviates the parole of benefitor Buddha and his designation above all. So I had one questionnaire comes out,,,,,, Do we need to let the tourist see sun-set from the upper terrace of any temples or pagodas? Is it the most important factor during the orientation around archaeological site? Will it be perfect perspective on Bagan's  ?  

Finally, I had one solution that shows the things are changing and moving around one after one upon decades, so Guides must be  facilitated and adaptable to go on by nature, because the world is changing quickly, and eliminate  old or decaying thoughts as you ever instinctive since the military regime is changed..

So My idea would be different from other peers, but everyone loves truth . I say, ,,, Do we need to go up on superior terrace of one of pagodas in Bagan to see sun-set ? Is it a sort of sins ?



Myo Min Aung

Dec 20, 2012, 2:46:58 AM12/20/12
Well , you have nice idea  and a good Guide.I agree your opinion and we do not need to go up superior terrace of pogoda in Bagan to see sunset.Thank alot  .

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Nansein Than

Dec 20, 2012, 5:02:55 AM12/20/12

On 12/20/12, Myo Min Aung <> wrote:
> Well , you have nice idea and a good Guide.I agree your opinion and we do
> not need to go up superior terrace of pogoda in Bagan to see sunset.Thank
> alot .
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:10 PM, Tomme Aung <> wrote:
>> *
>> *

hpoun kyaw

Dec 20, 2012, 5:54:14 AM12/20/12

    What is the purpose of the  staircases built in the walls of the temples and in the middle of the stupas?
    The majority having common senses, guesstimate they are not built for nothing but for going up and down of these pagodas by the pagoda builders.
     One should not forget the reason to construct the Mingun Pahtodawgyi in Mingun Village just to mention a bit.
     People may have different ideas but the building conservation should not be the wrong intention to stop the visitors to go up and down the pagoda_upper_terraces. Inaccessible, accessible terraces are also for the purposes of inaccessibilty & accessibility!
Hpoun Kyaw

On Dec 18, 2012 9:10 PM, "Tomme Aung" <> wrote:

Ko Nyi Nyi

Dec 20, 2012, 7:49:36 AM12/20/12
You are right Hpoun Kyaw . We should not cut our heel to fit with the
shoe's size .

Ko Nyi


Dec 21, 2012, 11:08:03 AM12/21/12

"inaccessible, accessible terraces are also for the purposes of inaccessibility & accessibility!"

I go along with you Phon Kyaw.. Religion believe and Pagoda preservation should not be mingled in this case!!!
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