Recent Information of Entrance Fee changed the whole country.

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Tomme Aung

Sep 5, 2013, 5:30:17 AM9/5/13

         The Entrance Fee  / per pax 

1. Botahtaung        3  $
2. Kyaik Htiyo         6000    Ks
3. Bago                  10000   Ks
4. Inle                     10  $         ( It'll be collected on 1 of Oct )
5. Bagan                 15  $
6. Mandalay            10000  Ks
7. Mingun/ Sgg         3000   Ks
8. Shwedagon         8 $          
( It'll be collected on 1 of Oct )

           The other sites would prefer to up-claim fee rather in the high season as locality oral reports.

Rain Man

Sep 5, 2013, 10:29:32 PM9/5/13
to travelmyanmar
By now tour companies have sold out tours based on the old entrance fees as tours are sold and booked months in advance. And also tour packages have been priced and advertised. Now tour companies are going to lose on those places. If only those dummies had some sense and announced it at least 6 months ahead. 

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Khaing Soe Linn Khaing

Sep 7, 2013, 1:11:36 AM9/7/13
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Win Zaw - AE

Sep 10, 2013, 1:16:42 AM9/10/13
Rising FEE is not an ISSUE:,  just the matter of management. If they do inform well in advance every one will have time to prepare. For instance, Angkor Wat charge 20$ per day and 2-3 Days with 40$, more than 3 days, 60$, Still nearby temples (70KM) have their own separate entrance fees from 5 - 10$. - To complete Angkor Complex, you definitely need 2-3 days which you need to spend 40$ minimum.  Compare to Burma, approx 65-85$ is for the entire country. Definitely  it is not expensive after all. Use wisely, manage correctly. That's all they need. Cheers.

hpoun kyaw

Sep 10, 2013, 2:50:27 AM9/10/13

    That's the reasonable way of thinking, I suppose! Global thinking is to be considered in the local constructive way of thinking not to be left behind in marching towards a modern developed nation in its own right!
Hpoun Kyaw

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Hnin Lei Phyu

Sep 10, 2013, 9:12:49 AM9/10/13

Tomme Aung

Sep 10, 2013, 12:31:33 PM9/10/13
I agree all opinions. but Ankore Wat charges more money than Bagan . Guess not only the entrance fee in Myanmar .. but also transport .. lodging.. food.. etc are getting high. It causes less interest to come . Myanmar is still untold story. Cambodia possessed a decade well tourism . Everything is
not expensive except Ankol's fee. Myanmar people can visit there by spending 600 $ for one week. Myanmar must be carefully decided to ask for high price of all tourism'sectors because it gets key point for promotion in young age.

Nansein Than

Sep 11, 2013, 10:08:27 AM9/11/13
to travelmyanmar
Just suggestion!
When we ask the above mentioned entrance fees, it's not a lot. But, like other countries, we should better  provide free and  clean toilets with paper and soap  in all the tourists' sites. We shouldn't  charge camera's fees. Clean all the rubbish and plastics which are scattering in many places. Should maintain ( not building a new one)  and restore many pagodas and temples ( e.g, Intein pagodas and Paleik pagodas). Train all the archaeological office staffs to welcome politely and to speak a foreign language( at least English). At the same time, they should be sent at least to Thailand for learning how to maintain the tourists' sites. 
Pl, don't forget to have a better transportation and communication as well.
Best regards, NST

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Tomme Aung <> wrote:
I agree all opinions. but  Ankore Wat charges more money than Bagan . Guess not only the entrance fee in Myanmar .. but also transport .. lodging.. food.. etc are getting high. It causes less interest to come . Myanmar is still untold story. Cambodia possessed a decade well tourism . Everything is
not expensive except Ankol's fee. Myanmar people can visit there by spending 600 $ for one week. Myanmar must be carefully decided to ask for high price of all tourism'sectors because it gets key point for promotion in young age.
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