It's over
500 pages of flyshit and even then, only a first draft. Someone's put in some serious (and expensive) effort.
I find the 'Alternatives Analysis interesting (p 49)...
"Only a single alignment connecting Washington,
D.C., and Baltimore, meets the Purpose and Need
of the proposed Project (below) and satisfies the design
objectives identified in Section 1.4. Other potential
alignments between the two cities maximizing
use of public ROW (e.g., an alignment following
I-95 and public ROW between I-95 and each
city) would not satisfy the objectives to optimize
travel times, design speed, or passenger comfort
because such alignments would involve curvatures
that would require reductions in speed increasing
travel times and decreasing passenger comfort.
Other alternatives using private land not owned
by TBC could not be accomplished due to the
timely process and complexity related to acquiring
many subsurface easements for private land, and
eminent domain would not be used on this project."
What about elevated HS PRT or DualMode using existing RoWs and alignments you guys? Both of which would/should receive a FONSI. (Finding Of No Significant Impact)
Dave Brough
Purpose and Need
TBC proposes construction and operation of the
Washington, D.C. to Baltimore Loop Project to
create a safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly,
and expandable transportation alternative for a
congested urban transportation corridor.
The purpose of the proposed Project is to provide
underground, high-speed passenger transportation
between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.
The proposed Project is needed because high
travel demand between Washington, D.C. and
Baltimore results in severe congestion, leading to
inefficient and unreliable travel.