Buses do not spread COVID-19 where PRT does. sarc\ That concept is worth commission on $4,000,000 to some bus salesman. All big box transit is the same for disease transmission. The latest data says being outside is safer than being inside for transmission. Nothing could be more "inside" that jammed into a bus or a flat elevator cabin shared by every diseased student on campus. It only takes one COVID-19 person to infect the world. The approach the CDC is using is based on them giving up from the start. They made no attempt at eradicating the pandemic in the US. At $73,300 per hospital stay for COVID-19 cases treated, the health industry is making the money not this bus salesman. The infection rate is staying high if I found the correct county for Morgantown. It spiked on July 23 and again this month above 325 daily new cases.
Here in Austin a CapMetro maintenance man is dead from being around COVID-19 infected transit buses. He was in the bus barn and fell ill so the bus itself was the means of transmission.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt perhaps they are trying to lower the person density on this limited route to give more physical distance. Problem is time distance is not provided by blowing this $4,000,000. The bus barn workers are exposed.
Thanks for posting the question about PRT.
Jerry Roane