Anything planned for CHI2018?

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Florian Echtler

2017年12月6日 下午3:51:502017/12/6
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if there are any plans regarding a SIG/workshop/panel/something else related to transparent statistics, replication etc. at CHI 2018?

Best regards, Florian

Pablo Paredes

2017年12月6日 晚上7:05:442017/12/6
收件者:Florian Echtler、Transparent Statistics in HCI
I am game for it!


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Alan Dix

2017年12月7日 清晨5:25:492017/12/7
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI

I probably won't make it to CHI (:(), but happy to be involved in any PR, reviewing etc.

I've been gradually blogging notes from last years CHI course "Making Sense of Statistics in HCI" and have a Facebook page for it, so can give a push there - not gazillions of followers I'm afraid, but they will be relevant ones.


Florian Echtler

2017年12月7日 清晨6:00:002017/12/7
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
If nothing has been planned yet, then as far as I can tell, the only option that's left would be to submit a panel.
I already have 4 other submissions I need to finish until mid-January, so I can't take the lead on that, but I would be quite interested to participate (as organizer as well as panel member).

Best regards, Florian

Chat Wacharamanotham

2017年12月7日 清晨7:45:402017/12/7
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hi transparent statistics enthusiasts!

Thanks for the input! It’s great to hear that many of you are still interested in the transparent statistics movement!

We made several iterations on the guideline on effect size (which started in the workshop last CHI). This is the latest branch, and the output can be previewed here. We wished to finished this guideline and use it to determine the process for broader collaboration (e.g., drafting and reviewing). We also revised guiding principles.

However, this was paused from August because of commitments that each of us have in our main line of research (e.g., CHI deadline).

We would like to continue the conversation about transparent statistics as well. Pierre, Matt, Steve, Shion, and I will Skype on December 21 to determine what would be happening. Below are several topics we plan to discuss:

  • Incentive and acknowledgment for people who contribute in the guideline
  • Making the guideline citable while allowing it to evolve over time
  • Endorsement of the guideline
  • Presence at CHI 2018

On the last subject, we are not sure about the format that would move the work forward instead of being a repetition of what we previously have, which are:

  • SIG at CHI 2016: started the discussion and identify the directions
  • Workshop at CHI 2017: kick-started the work on the guideline and identified several other directions to pursue (including proposals to improve reviewing process, incentives for authors and reviewers, etc.). More details here.

Although we want to keep the conversation going, we want to avoid people see that this is “just another transparent statistics one”. Current ideas are listed here. Feel free to add more.


Dave Miller

2017年12月7日 下午6:07:312017/12/7
收件者:Chat Wacharamanotham、Transparent Statistics in HCI
I'm not sure if I will be able to go, but would be interested in keeping this going.

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Florian Echtler

2017年12月8日 凌晨4:06:312017/12/8
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 1:45:40 PM UTC+1, chat wrote:
  • Incentive and acknowledgment for people who contribute in the guideline
  • Making the guideline citable while allowing it to evolve over time
I think since you have your guideline in a Github repo, Zenodo is the way to go. Basically, using Zenodo, each tagged release will get a DOI and will be citable.
  • Endorsement of the guideline
  • Presence at CHI 2018

On the last subject, we are not sure about the format that would move the work forward instead of being a repetition of what we previously have, which are:

  • SIG at CHI 2016: started the discussion and identify the directions
  • Workshop at CHI 2017: kick-started the work on the guideline and identified several other directions to pursue (including proposals to improve reviewing process, incentives for authors and reviewers, etc.). More details here.

Although we want to keep the conversation going, we want to avoid people see that this is “just another transparent statistics one”. Current ideas are listed here. Feel free to add more.

Just for the record, I'm currently working on a related topic, which is (lack of) open-source releases in HCI, and will submit an alt.chi paper about this.
I was planning to invite people here to participate in the alt.chi discussion forum for the paper, but that has unfortunately been cancelled this year.
Instead, I'm currently considering to propose a mini-panel as presentation format for the alt.chi paper, and was wondering if somebody here would be interested in joining?

Best regards, Florian

Alan Dix

2017年12月14日 下午4:48:212017/12/14
收件者:Florian Echtler、Transparent Statistics in HCI

I'm co-author on a CHI paper that's been accepted on the arguments for experimental pre-registration in HCI.  The other authors are Carl Gutwin and Andy Cockburn.

The AC suggested that this would also be a good topic as part of a panel.

I didn't want to jump the gun by mentioning this before the formal acceptance, but this does fit well in the broader stats@CHI remit "transparent statistics, replication etc." that you suggested Florian.  Carl and Andy will both be at CHI, so one or other could join a panel.


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the Wales walk is over, but the project continues:

Professor Alan Dix

      University of Birmingham, UK

Tiree Tech Wave:

Florian Echtler

2017年12月15日 凌晨4:35:082017/12/15
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hello Alan,

On Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 10:48:21 PM UTC+1, Alan Dix wrote:
I'm co-author on a CHI paper that's been accepted on the arguments for experimental pre-registration in HCI.  The other authors are Carl Gutwin and Andy Cockburn.
The AC suggested that this would also be a good topic as part of a panel.
I didn't want to jump the gun by mentioning this before the formal acceptance, but this does fit well in the broader stats@CHI remit "transparent statistics, replication etc." that you suggested Florian.  Carl and Andy will both be at CHI, so one or other could join a panel.

 many thanks for your suggestion! I'll ask Carl and Andy if they would be interested in joining.

(fingers crossed that a mini-panel is considered an appropriate presentation format for alt.chi)

Best regards, Florian

Pierre Dragicevic

2018年1月11日 上午11:15:232018/1/11
收件者:Chat Wacharamanotham、Transparent Statistics in HCI
Happy New Year to all transparent statistics enthusiasts!

We (Matt, Chat, Steve, Shion and I) will submit a SIG on the transparent statistics guidelines. The goal of the SIG will be to elicit feedback on the working draft, discuss the content and process, recruit contributors, and make future plans. If it's accepted (notification Feb 2) we will send another email with more info.

Meanwhile, try to nudge your colleagues into adding "I'll do more transparent statistics" to their New Year's resolutions and encourage them to subscribe to this mailing list!


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Chat Wacharamanotham

2018年2月28日 下午4:42:382018/2/28
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hello transparent statistics enthusiast!

We are delighted to invite you to join us for another push at CHI 2018! This year, we have a SIG scheduled on Tuesday 23 April 2018  11:00 - 12:20 Room: 514A. (Click here to import iCal to your calendar.)

Our current plan is to discuss how you can contribute to the Transparent Statistics Guideline, which is the first piece of artifact that will push other directions that we identified in the workshop last year (promotion for authors, reviewers; adoption by paper chairs; newsletter). Specifically, we will
  • introduce the guideline and the collaborative writing, reviewing, testing process
  • we will have a breakout group:
    • for participants with some statistical expertise to discuss the current version of the guideline, and
    • for participants who have less statistical background to test the guideline

Read gory details in the SIG proposal:

If you feel like contributing to the guideline before the SIG, we got you covered on the guideline wiki.

See you in Montréal!

— Chat, Matt, Steve, Shion, and Pierre

P.S. Each version of the guideline now has a versioned DOI and can be cited! (DOI for all versions)

P.P.S. There is also another SIG on “Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines in HCI” on Wednesday, 16:00-17:20, 514A. Details in their proposal article.

Chat Wacharamanotham

2018年3月1日 凌晨1:45:582018/3/1
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hi again,

The SIG will happen on Tuesday 24 April 2018  11:00 - 12:20 Room: 514A (Corrected iCal link.)

Thanks Jane for the correction!

— Chat

On 1. Mar 2018, at 02:37, Janne Lindqvist <> wrote:

Hi Chat,

Thanks a lot for the email. Looking forward to the SIG meeting. Just wanted to check though is the meeting
on Tuesday 24th, or 23rd, which is Monday?


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Florian Echtler

2018年3月21日 中午12:35:292018/3/21
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
Hi again,

to round things off, our alt.chi paper on open-source in HCI was accepted! 

I'll present this on April 26th in the last alt.chi session at 9am, and would also like to invite everyone to participate (even though the timing is sub-optimal :-). I will probably try to use most of the presentation time for a constructive discussion, so it would indeed be great if a couple of people who are interested in this topic can join.

Best regards, Florian

Florian Echtler

2018年3月23日 凌晨4:37:152018/3/23
收件者:Transparent Statistics in HCI
On Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 5:35:29 PM UTC+1, Florian Echtler wrote:
to round things off, our alt.chi paper on open-source in HCI was accepted! 

I've been politely reminded that it's a bit of a cliffhanger to mention that the paper was accepted without posting the preprint :-)

Hope to see you in Montreal!
Best regards, Florian
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