Monday: Haunt the Super Committee for OpenGov

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Laurenellen McCann

Oct 29, 2011, 10:50:35 AM10/29/11
Sorry for the cross-post:

Just wanted to forward along an email that went out earlier this week about Monday's upcoming "Haunt the House (and Senate)". We've been getting some great response, particularly in MD, PA, MA, OH, and WA. If you live in one of these states (or any of the others with a Super Committee rep -- MI, AZ, TX, CA, MT, SC) you should see if you can stop by your local haunt. Find your nearest location at

Even if you only have the time to stop for a few minutes and drop off the attached Issue Handout (outlining our 5 demands for Committee transparency with room to provide why the issue of transparency matters to you as a constituent), it will make a huge difference. 

We'll be posting pictures of folks from all across the country attending their local district office here: If you go, snap a picture and either upload it to the group or shoot me an email. 

Thanks! And happy haunting, 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicole Aro, Sunlight Foundation <>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Monday: Haunt the House (and the Senate)


We're now less than a month away from the day the "Super Committee" has to make its recommendations to Congress for how to cut at least $1.2 trillion from the national deficit. Yet we still know next to nothing about what the Committee's been doing. They've been breaking their own rules about holding public meetings and ignoring calls for increased transparency despite their unprecedented power.

That's really scary.

So this Halloween we're going to Haunt the House (and Senate) -- will you join us?

We need to show the Super Committee members that transparency isn't just for ghosts. Sunlight members and transparency allies from over 40 organizations will head to the district offices of Super Committee members around the country to demand transparency.

According to the information you've most recently shared with Sunlight, a Super Committee member is one of your elected representatives, or has a district office nearby. That makes your voice incredibly important, and showing up in person at a district office is one of the most powerful ways to show your congressperson that this is an important issue.

Can we count on you to join us on Halloween at the Super Committee's district office near you? Learn more and sign up here:

This is a fun (and easy!) way to make a big impact in just an hour or so. Get started by checking out the "Haunt" nearest you on our Meetup page and signing up so a local organizer can get in touch with you.

Got questions? Just reply to this email and we'll answer everything as soon as we can. Want to spread the word? Check out

Thanks for your help!

Nicole, Amy, Laurenellen and the rest of the Sunlight team

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