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New Civic Tech Fellowships Will Help Rewire Africa’s Governments

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Justin Arenstein

Nov 27, 2014, 1:56:20 AM11/27/14

New Fellowships Will Help Rewire Africa’s Governments

Do you want to help us build African governments and societies that are more accountable and responsive to citizens?

We are looking for the best ideas for harnessing the power of digital technologies and open data, to improve the way that governments and citizens interact.

Code For Africa and the Open Knowledge Foundation Network are jointly funding three pilot fellowships, which will give material and technology support to innovators who want to kickstart projects that will help open up their governments.

The fellowships include a monthly stipend, seed grants for project work, sponsorships to attend both local and international events, workspace in civic tech labs, and technology support from our code teams.

The deadline for applications is December 15. The fellowships start in February 2015. Get all the details here:

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