Updates from the planning process so far

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Apr 18, 2011, 6:12:16 AM4/18/11
to Transparency Camp India
The whole idea of the bar-camp is people come with topics which they
would like to hear, and which they would like to talk about

We have had a whole lot of topics being suggested by people. However,
one of the things I think lacking is the fact that they don't focus on
technology and accountability - on how technology can be leveraged for
promoting accountability.

The following people have also suggested topics they would like to
take up
1. Parimala Imamdar - Using technology to promote knowledge of public
finance in citizens
2. Rohit Chandra - Using technology to unearth the links between
politicans and businesses
3. Ajay Kumar - Ushahidi, crowd-sourcing and the like
4. GramEner - How to visualize open government data

Also, Google has shown interest in partnering with us. I need to
follow up on this.

Another thing lacking so far is a buzz in social media about the
transparency. So far that, we need everybody blogging and tweeting
about the camp.

Srinivas Y

Apr 18, 2011, 4:07:29 PM4/18/11
to transparenc...@googlegroups.com
Laina, plz elaborate on the format of this barcamp. Also did you fix a date yet?


Apr 19, 2011, 11:07:19 AM4/19/11
to Transparency Camp India
Hi Srinivas,

Good question.
The format really is conditioned by the fact that it is a bar-camp. I
am assuming you've attended bar-camps before or have a fair idea of
what it is about. If not, the wikipedia article gives a good idea of
it. (I won't be half as articulate as it :) )
The aim of this barcamp is all that is fixed, which is to see how
technology can improve the accountability debate. The rest of the
agenda is really created by people who are getting together in it. I
can give you the high-level process
1. In the run-up to the bar-camp, people suggest topics. This includes
topics they want to talk about and topics they are interested in
hearing about.
2. We advertise a lot on twitter, facebook etc using the hash tag #TC1
and get more people interested in the bar camp. It's the people who
are the prime focus in a bar camp and this can't be emphasized
3. This google group can be a medium for people interested in talking
about similar things to get together and come up with a presentation.
4. At the camp, the first half an hour would be about agenda-setting.
The space would be organized in a way that allows 5 to 7 topics to be
held at the same time (5-7 rooms) and people can attend the topics
they want to hear about .

As for the date, we have fixed 5th and 6th or 4th and 5th. It depends
on the participant energy.

Warm regards

Srinivas Y

Apr 19, 2011, 11:11:32 AM4/19/11
to Transparency Camp India
Participation will be easier if it is held on non-working days &
somewhere in Delhi. Especially for those of us coming from outstation
locations. Plz consider it.

Laina Emmanuel

Apr 19, 2011, 11:14:48 AM4/19/11
to transparenc...@googlegroups.com
Yes :) that's a point taken! :)

Sridhar Sankranti

Apr 19, 2011, 11:35:50 AM4/19/11
to transparenc...@googlegroups.com
For those that cannot make it to Delhi, do you see scope for online discussions helping understanding and activism on issues related to technology and public accountability?  Also, wondering if any of the consensus emerging out of the barcamp/discussions could lead to actionable items in terms of advocay or consultations.


Apr 19, 2011, 11:49:52 AM4/19/11
to Transparency Camp India
I envisioned this group really as the online space for discussing
items related to technology and accountability, which is why the
membership is totally open. You can ask your friends who are
interested in this topic to join. You can put in links to items that
you think would be interesting for people who are interested in tech
and transparency issues, and so on.
As for the consensus emerging out of the barcamp - As I said, a
barcamp is a place where the energy of the crowd decides the agenda,
and what happens post the discussions. So if there are consensus which
stand out, I am sure all participants including Accountability
Initiative would take it back.
Creating the space is what is important, and getting the right people
(by right I mean people who are interested in the issue) is the first

On Apr 19, 8:35 pm, Sridhar Sankranti <sansr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Laina,
> For those that cannot make it to Delhi, do you see scope for online
> discussions helping understanding and activism on issues related to
> technology and public accountability?  Also, wondering if any of the
> consensus emerging out of the barcamp/discussions could lead to actionable
> items in terms of advocay or consultations.
> Regards,
> Sridhar
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Laina Emmanuel
> <laina.emman...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Yes :) that's a point taken! :)
> > On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Srinivas Y <srinivasyerramse...@gmail.com
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