Monthly Meeting & Survey!

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Transition Kitchener-Waterloo

Feb 11, 2014, 3:33:04 PM2/11/14

Hello TransitionKW

Our core group has been busy with organizing the future of movie nights (hopefully in conjunction with other green groups!), the repair cafe, our website (now at, no longer .ca) and planning a launch event for the climate change adaptation toolkit. So we don’t have any big announcements at the moment, but big things are coming! For now, our core group meeting is next Wednesday night (changing it from Thursday to Wednesday due to location issues), so come on out if you want to get more involved in organizing. And we would love if you could fill out a survey for us!

TransitionKW Core Group Meeting

When: Wednesday February 19, 7pm

Where: LSPIRG office, 3rd floor of 165 Albert Street, Waterloo

Do you participate in Transition KW events or volunteer with the organization?
If not, please fill out this survey! We are looking to improve our method of engaging people just like you! This is a very short (less than five minutes) ANONYMOUS survey. The survey can be found here:  Thank you in advance for your participation!

Read on for community notes (what! a community gardening opportunity?!) and the green news roundup.


Sylvie Spraakman

Facilitator, TransitionKW


Community Notes

Help build a community garden! Do you want to help to build a new Community Garden in Kitchener? We are looking for people able to organize the work crew to build the new site as well as to manage the Community Garden once is finished. No previous experience with Community Gardens is required as we will have the assistance of experienced mentors and gardeners. Contact Angel at to get involved or if you have questions.

Organic Farming Internships in Ontario, Full­-time seasonal ­in Southwestern Ontario

If you're ready for a full, hands­-on experience that will immerse you in ecological farming then you've come to the right place. CRAFT Ontario is your gateway to a farming internship experience that will change your life. Whether your dream is to have your own organic farm one day or just want to learn some food ­growing and hands­-on skills that can be applied in other careers and lifestyles, a farming internship is a powerful experience that will equip you with the tools and insights to make a real difference in the world.

Contact Nicola Inglefield at CRAFT SW Ontario for more information!


Green News Roundup

If Oil Spills in the Field, Does it Make a Sound?: Not if we’re never told about it. The sound should be us raising our voices against profits over people. How many spills do you think go unreported? Do you really think our numbers are better than this:

No News is Bad News: Potential disaster isn’t real sexy - nobody wants to bum out their audience. Advertisers won’t like it and they’re the guys who matter. Better to give us more on the Biebs and Rob Ford:

The Messenger is the Message: Where do you go for reliable info on greenhouse emissions?  Who better  than consultants owned by a big Tar Sands developer and hired by the Alberta government?:


You’re Not Paranoid if Someone is Actually Following You: The Conservative government is keeping us safe. How, you ask? By spying on peaceful Canadian environmental  “terrorists” and adding a good measure of harassment:

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