Happy Holidays!

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Transition KW

Dec 1, 2013, 6:46:54 PM12/1/13
to transitionkw-...@googlegroups.com

Greetings Transitioners!

As everyone is busy in the holiday season and spending time with family and friends, TransitionKW will be winding down and you’ll be getting fewer emails from us in the month of December. This email has a few community events and volunteer opportunities listed below. There will be some blog posts up on the website throughout the month though, so check there for Transition-related reading material. The main TransitionKW event this month is a holiday party for volunteers and friends on December 13 - if you want to come and haven’t received an invitation for this yet, either check your junk mail or contact us for details (resilientc...@transitionkw.ca).

Happy Holidays :)


Sylvie Spraakman

Facilitator, TransitionKW

Facebook | Twitter | Blog | www.transitionkw.ca


Community Notes

1. CREW General Meeting and Film of The 4th Revolution - Become a member, renew your membership, help elect the new board, give direction to the work of CREW.  Come early to register.JOIN US for a brief business session plus the screening of the highly acclaimed, award winning German documentary inspired by the late Hermann Scheerer - THE 4TH REVOLUTION – EnergyAutonomy, plus a time forrefreshments, fellowship and networking. Help us spread the word.

When: Tuesday, December 3, 7pm

Where: Rockway Mennonite Collegiate (www.rockway.ca ) 110 Doon Road Kitchener ON N2G 3C8

For more details: http://www.crewzone.ca/news_event.cfm?eventID=1388

2. Little City Farm Handmade Holiday Sale: Annual sale featuring 8 local vendors of handmade wares

When: Saturday, December 7, 9am-2pm

Where: Little City Farm, 508 Duke Street West, Kitchener


Volunteer Corner

Repair Cafe Coordinator: Do you have repair skills, or want to learn them? Want to connect the community with repairers? This job will involve the following tasks:

  • Coordinating with kwartzlab regarding logistics

  • Promoting the repair cafe

  • Coordinating promotion with media

  • Organizing volunteers

Movie Night Coordinator: Do you love sustainability-oriented documentary films? Why not help us organize and coordinate our next film series! This position involves being the lead of the following tasks:

  • Curating a line-up of films,

  • Connecting with the directors and/or studios to secure viewing rights,

  • Organizing a pre-screening of the films,

  • Promoting the film series

If this sounds like something you're interested in doing, connect with us via email, social media, or come to our next meeting. We'd love to hear from you!

Covering the Regional/Municipal Beat: Are you a journalist interested in growing your audience? Do you follow regional politics, paying close attention to issues such as city development, transportation, and environmental issues? TransitionKW would love to have you on board as a regular blogger - posting regularly on Regional or Municipal politics with a special focus on sustainability-related issues.

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