TD Walter Bean Lecture, Green Energy Doors Open, Volunteer Designer Needed

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Transition KW

Sep 29, 2013, 4:16:01 PM9/29/13

Hello Transitioners,

Thanks to all those that came out to last weekend's screening of Gasland, the first of film of TransitionKW's fall movie series. Lots of great discussion after the film! If you missed it, we're screening First Earth next month, a film that looks at architecture and how we need to rethink how we design and construct our lived environments. To get you psyched up for that, check out Alain de Botton's series on how our homes affect our happiness. If you're an architect or if you know architects, designers or contractors interested in ecological living, please ask them to get in touch with us! We'd love to hear from them or have a guest speaker at our event! 

Last week, the International Panel on Climate Change, the consortium of the world's top scientists that research climate change for the United Nations, released its latest report. The full report is over 1000 pages long. Something night-time reading. To get the gist though, check out these 18 tweets by leading climate scientist Piers Forster.

Here's what's happening in KW this week.

Public lecture - TD Walter Bean Public Lecture: Fighting Poverty in the Age of Climate Change

October 2, 5:30pm at the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building (UW Campus)

he TD Walter Bean Lecture in the Environment invites Professor Diana Liverman to discuss her research examining how climate change is threatening decades of development investments in the planet's most vulnerable communities.

Dr. Liverman asks: Can we reduce the risks of climate change while still providing energy, jobs and food to the poor? And if that fails, can we help developing countries adapt to new dangers?

Green energy showcase - Green Energy Doors Open

October 5, 11am-4pm at the Treehaus (79 Joseph Street, Kitchener)

Green Energy Doors Open 2013 is an annual, single-day showcase of the province-wide green energy economy, sponsored by the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association ( Featuring: Solar displays Investment opportunities Project info FIT and MicroFIT experts and workshops

That's all for this week. I'll be at the lecture, so if you see me come say hi!


Nick Belanger

Facilitator, TransitionKW

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Volunteer Corner

Designer: If you have a knack for design, we'd love to have you help out with designing our event posters and other marketing literature. We have a number of projects on the way that would require this type of expertise. If this sounds like you, please get in touch!

Repair Cafe: We have the opportunity to host a repair cafe at the KWArtzLab space in Kitchener.  Anyone can bring in something broken from their home and have it looked at by some pro “fixers”. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in coordinating logistics and advertising for this event. Contact us!

Casual: Right now we are looking for very low commitment volunteers who can be our “ambassadors”. These volunteers would help us connect with organizations that we don’t know yet (in the social justice, community or environmental fields), or would help us learn about events throughout the community and contribute to our community calendar. If you could contribute a few hours per year (that’s right - nothing more than making a few phone calls or sending out a few emails every year), and are connected with other organizations that can make us better, then please contact us a
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