Story of Solutions and Upcoming Movie Night

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Transition KW

Oct 6, 2013, 9:23:06 PM10/6/13

Hello Transitioners,

Been a bit of a weird week, eh, what with the US government shut down and all. The Canadian equivalent of this political drama plays out somewhat differently in Canada. When government is prorogued, the 'active' bills get scrapped, allowing the party in power to do away with some of the pesky matters of businesses that might have been tripping them up last time around. In the US, something somewhat different is underway, wherein the Republican party seems to be attempting to hold the government (and loads of 'non-essential' government employees) hostage should they not decide to further delay the Affordable Care Act. 

Elizabeth Kolbert's recent New Yorker article draws a link between the attitude fueling the Republican rage and the reactions that followed last week's release of the IPCC report. Kolbert, quoting economist Paul Krugman, notes that what Republicans really want to do is "repeal reality". 

Thankfully, not everyone's head is in the sand. The folks behind the Story of Stuff campaign released a new video called the Story of Solutions. Go ahead, watch it. I'll wait. The message in this video fits really well with the TransitionKW mission. We're interested in creating game-changing solutions to some of the world's biggest challenges. 

To move toward that end, we first need to build up awareness of the issues while building up the links between our community. One way of doing this is by coming out to our movie nights. Our next one is coming up on Wednesday, October 23. We'll be showing First Earth, a movie about earthen-built homes. To RSVP for this movie, click this link

That's all for this week. Got an event that you'd like to see shared? Send us a tweet!


Nick Belanger

Facilitator, TransitionKW

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ps. We're still on the look-out for a great visual artist or graphic designer to help us make awesome posters and to help in designing a new report that we're putting together! Let us know if you can help out!


Volunteer Corner

Designer: If you have a knack for design, we'd love to have you help out with designing our event posters and other marketing literature. We have a number of projects on the way that would require this type of expertise. If this sounds like you, please get in touch!

Repair Cafe: We have the opportunity to host a repair cafe at the KWArtzLab space in Kitchener.  Anyone can bring in something broken from their home and have it looked at by some pro “fixers”. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in coordinating logistics and advertising for this event. Contact us!

Casual: Right now we are looking for very low commitment volunteers who can be our “ambassadors”. These volunteers would help us connect with organizations that we don’t know yet (in the social justice, community or environmental fields), or would help us learn about events throughout the community and contribute to our community calendar. If you could contribute a few hours per year (that’s right - nothing more than making a few phone calls or sending out a few emails every year), and are connected with other organizations that can make us better, then please contact us a
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