Community garden, Oil Sands Karaoke, and frigid bike riding

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Transition Kitchener-Waterloo

Feb 5, 2014, 6:07:43 PM2/5/14

Greetings Transitioners,

Some great community events are coming up this week, there are some gardening and farming opportunities, then we’ve got green news at the bottom. Enjoy!

Help build a community garden! Do you want to help to build a new Community Garden in Kitchener? We are looking for people able to organize the work crew to build the new site as well as to manage the Community Garden once is finished. No previous experience with Community Gardens is required as we will have the assistance of experienced mentors and gardeners. Contact Angel at to get involved or if you have questions.

Oil Sands Karaoke playing at the Princess with Alternatives Journal: Follow along as five oil patch workers compete in a karaoke contest in Fort McMurray, the heart of Alberta's oil sands. Then sing away your post-screening blues: admission includes a free PBR tall can & line bypass at Chainsaw!

When: Thursday, February 6, 7pm

Where: Princess Cinema

Coldest Bike Ride of the Year: Join us for this annual event hosted by the City of Kitchener Cycling Advisory Committee. Let's show the region that cycling in the winter is possible!  The ride will leave from Kitchener City Hall at 530pm.  For more information check out

When: Friday February 7, 5:30-6:30pm

Where: Meet in front of Kitchener City Hall

Til next time!


Sylvie Spraakman

Facilitator, TransitionKW


Community Notes

Organic Farming Internships in Ontario, Full­time seasonal ­in Southwestern Ontario

If you're ready for a full, hands­-on experience that will immerse you in ecological farming thenyou've come to the right place. CRAFT Ontario is your gateway to a farming internship experience that will change your life. Whether your dream is to have your own organic farm oneday or just want to learn some food ­growing and hands­-on skills that can be applied in other careers and lifestyles, a farming internship is a powerful experience that will equip you with the tools and insights to make a real difference in the world.

Contact Nicola Inglefield at CRAFT SW Ontario for more information!


Green News Roundup

It’s Not Over till it’s Over: Even when the odds are stacked against us, it’s important to keep fighting the good fight. The flawed and industry- biased Environmental Impact Study released by the U.S. State Department is in for battle. Here’s hoping:

Look Who Wrote This Fairy Tale: So, you hire guys to study whether or not something is harmful. These same guys make big money from the companies that produce that thing. What findings do you think these guys will report from their “study ?

What? Me Worry!: If your doctor tells you that your health is slowly but steadily deteriorating, do you say, “well, as long as it’s slowly”? Suppose he says it’s going to continue to get worse unless you stop doing something. Do you say, “I’ll stop when it’s really bad”? Apparently, some of us do.

The Good News - We Need More of it: Do you know where your money is being invested? Do you want non-profits and charities and your stockbroker (if you have one of those guys) to “divest for our future”? It’s past time to starve the beast.

The Black Ain’t So Green: Do your financially savvy friends tell you that investing in fossil fuels is profitable? You might want to let them know they are in for a shock.

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