Monthly Meeting + Shift coming up!

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Transition KW

Nov 10, 2013, 10:35:47 PM11/10/13

Hello Transitioners!

We hope you’ll join us for our monthly meeting this coming Thursday night. We will meet at 165 Albert Street, Waterloo, 3rd floor, on November 14 at 7pm. See you then! If you have agenda items to add, please email

After that, we have our Tools for Change Movie Night - the last in a series of monthly events. To celebrate the end and the beginning of movie nights in a new format next year, we will have free food AND prize giveaways from Alternatives Journal, Bailey's, Seven Shores, Queen Street Yoga, and more! Come on out - there are still spaces available: This will be November 20, 7pm, at the REEP House (20 Mill Street, Kitchener). We'll be watching Shift - a climate change documentary.

TransitionKW partnered with kwartzlab to host KW’s first-ever Repair Cafe this past Saturday - check out our blog post about it here, and view some photos here. The next Repair Cafe will be in January - stay tuned for exact date!

In municipal politics, the Climate Action Plan went to City of Cambridge and City of Waterloo Councils - and each council has endorsed the GHG reduction commitment! Now onto Kitchener City Council on November 18. To read more about the plan, and sign up to take action, go here:

Below, check out some community events and volunteer corner!


Sylvie Spraakman

Facilitator, TransitionKW

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Community Notes

1. Time Exchange: Sharon’s Garden Share - Sharon, a member of Waterloo Region Time Exchange community members, would like to start a garden share project in her garden near Fischer Hallman Rd & Thorndale Dr Waterloo, ON. She’s looking for time exchange members to join her garden share. For more details, check out the meetup event:

2. Defend Our Climate Rally- On November 16th, 1pm, help build a united wall of opposition to pipelines, reckless tar sands expansion and runaway climate change at local events across the country. There will be a rally in Waterloo at Peter Braid’s office, and in Kitchener at Harold Albrecht’s office. Please go here to RSVP:

3. Sustainable Waterloo Education Forum: Taking a Barn-Raising Approach to Low-Impact Buildings

How can tenants, landlords and developers all benefit from working together to lower the environmental impact of our workplaces?

Collaborations like these are win-win when you consider the financial incentives available, the rise of low impact development expertise, and the energy and cost savings you will realize from implemented projects. At this educational forum, attendees will learn what tenants should be asking for, what options exist for new and retrofit building projects, and what is needed to catalyze more sustainable building options in Waterloo Region.

Speakers Include:

Craig Beattie, Perimeter Development

James Gray-Donald, Bentall Kennedy

Braden Kurczak, Enermodal Egineering

Rod Regier, City of Kitchener

Laird Robertson, Robertson Simmons Architects

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Waterloo Inn, Regent Room

$40.00 (+HST)

Regional Carbon Initiative members register for free with promotional code

View more details and register online at


Volunteer Corner

Repair Cafe Coordinator: Do you have repair skills, or want to learn them? Want to connect the community with repairers? This job will involve the following tasks:

  • Coordinating with kwartzlab regarding logistics

  • Promoting the repair cafe

  • Coordinating promotion with media

  • Organizing volunteers

Movie Night Coordinator: Do you love sustainability-oriented documentary films? Why not help us organize and coordinate our next film series! This position involves being the lead of the following tasks:

  • Curating a line-up of films,

  • Connecting with the directors and/or studios to secure viewing rights,

  • Organizing a pre-screening of the films,

  • Promoting the film series

If this sounds like something you're interested in doing, connect with us via email, social media, or come to our next meeting. We'd love to hear from you!

Covering the Regional/Municipal Beat: Are you a journalist interested in growing your audience? Do you follow regional politics, paying close attention to issues such as city development, transportation, and environmental issues? TransitionKW would love to have you on board as a regular blogger - posting regularly on Regional or Municipal politics with a special focus on sustainability-related issues.

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