Connect for Democracy this Saturday

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Transition Kitchener-Waterloo

Mar 4, 2014, 2:55:46 PM3/4/14

Greetings Transitioners,

This Saturday, join us at Queen Street Commons Cafe to discuss the future of our democracy through an event for Here’s the blurb:

Over the last six months, thousands of people in the community have helped prepare a plan for the 2015 federal election and beyond.

The core idea is simple: if we work together, we can help hold this government accountable at the ballot box by mobilizing thousands of people to get out and vote for action on democracy, climate, and inequality in key ridings across the country.

We know that no single election can create an open democracy, build a fair economy and achieve climate justice - that will take a generation.

And that’s why we want to make this campaign different. If we start working together now, we can build a network of small teams in communities around the country who will make a difference in 2015 - and - lay a strong foundation to push for real changes after the election.

When: Saturday March 8, 1:30pm

Where: Queen Street Commons Cafe, Kitchener



Sylvie Spraakman

Facilitator, TransitionKW


Community Notes

1. Help build a community garden! Do you want to help to build a new Community Garden in Kitchener? We are looking for people able to organize the work crew to build the new site as well as to manage the Community Garden once is finished. No previous experience with Community Gardens is required as we will have the assistance of experienced mentors and gardeners. Contact Angel at to get involved or if you have questions.

2. Organic Farming Internships in Ontario, Full­-time seasonal ­in Southwestern Ontario

If you're ready for a full, hands­-on experience that will immerse you in ecological farming then you've come to the right place. CRAFT Ontario is your gateway to a farming internship experience that will change your life. Whether your dream is to have your own organic farm one day or just want to learn some food ­growing and hands­-on skills that can be applied in other careers and lifestyles, a farming internship is a powerful experience that will equip you with the tools and insights to make a real difference in the world.

Contact Nicola Inglefield at CRAFT SW Ontario for more information!


Green News Roundup

So Far, Not So Good: Political leaders in North America love to tell us how wonderful we are. We have the highest this and the lowest that. We can sleep soundly knowing that we lead the world in pretty much everything.

Combatting climate change, well, let’s leave that to the other guys:

We Got Growth - Not to Worry: If you want to make everything look rosy, adjust your criteria accordingly. If we’ve made and bought more stuff this year than last, we must be doing good.

Isn’t it past time for a new measuring stick?:

When in Doubt, Lie: When a little kid says he’s only going to have one cookie when he’s going to keep gobbling until the bag is empty, well, boys will be boys. When oil companies knowingly lie, we need to give them a long time-out and take away their toys:

Sometimes You Get Caught: It’s tough to always be smarter than the other guy. If you desperately want something and you want it right now, stupidity often follows:

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