Upcoming Event (11/18)! Greater Ithaca Skill Share

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Transition Tompkins

Nov 7, 2012, 3:27:55 PM11/7/12
to transitio...@googlegroups.com
Hello Transition community,

Its been a long time since we've last gotten together (just about a year!), as many of you know Simone and I were on an "event organizing hiatus" while farming in Hector for much of the year. However, we're now living in Caroline and are feeling inspired to give this project new energy, knowing that in many ways we are all 'transitioning' in every choice we make.

This year has a been a powerful testament to the devastation and reach of extreme weather events due to the changing climate. Much of my family resides in the NYC/NJ area and felt the near-full force last week's superstorm. From talking to them, they definitely felt the not-oft-apparent vulnerability of a fossil fuel reliant, grid-dependent lifestyle. Knowing that storms like this (and droughts like this winter/spring/summer's) are becoming a new normal I think is inspiring them and others around the region to rethink about our relationship to the climate, to our sources of energy, and to our resilience as communities (link is to an article about Occupy Sandy Relief in Red Hook, NY).   

In late September, when Simone and I returned from a transformative week-long event in Vermont called the "Art of Mentoring" (which was also our honeymoon) we felt reinvigorated to nurture and grow a culture embodied in Transition. We wanted to complete our 3-part series with the "Hands" portion (action-based, tangible steps), but didn't want carry the entire event planning process all ourselves (but rather have many helping hands), and felt like the Universe was listening as a friend of ours at White Hawk Ecovillage was saying that they were interested in organizing a Reskilling, or Skill Share, event, and a perfect collaboration bloomed. 

So, in the spirit of increasing community resilience White Hawk Ecovillage is hosting the "Greater Ithaca Skill Share" on Sunday, Nov. 18th! 

The event is free and activities for children will be available and supported. 

It will be semi-structured and will offer a morning session of predetermined skills and an open-space afternoon session to let our community members share a skill they love. So come prepared to learn and if you've got a skill to share come prepared to teach! More details on the flow of day can be found on the attached flier.

If you do come please make sure to bring:
  • weather appropriate clothing (some activities will be outdoors)
  • a water bottle
  • a dish to pass
  • eating ware and utensils 
  • cloth or clothing of natural fabric to dye (if you're interested)
  • a skill to share, if you're feeling inspired
There is a hope to make this a recurrent event (seasonally, semi-annually or annually) and if you're interested in seeing some other skills represented that weren't or want to help organize future Skill Share events we'll be gathering names and ideas for the future.

Please feel free the forward on the poster to other friends, family and listservs, there are paper copies posted around Ithaca, Danby, and Brooktondale/Caroline, also our website www.transitiontompkins.wordpress.com is updated with the event

We hope to see you for all or part of the day and if not, sometime soon down the road!

Best wishes, "Skill On, Wayne". "Skill on, Garth"
Sam and Simone

Shayna Grajo

Nov 7, 2012, 10:31:19 PM11/7/12
to transitio...@googlegroups.com
Dear Wayne and Garth: If you're still in, I'm skill in.

See you at the skill share!  I much appreciate, sense and follow your rekindled energy toward "embodiment" of Transition in our dear community.  Thank you and White Hawk Ecovillage for bringing forth this invitation.

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