Skill Share Reminder!

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Transition Tompkins

Nov 14, 2012, 4:28:19 PM11/14/12
****This SUNDAY (11/18)****
11am - 4pm
Extreme weather, climate change, and social isolation got you down?

Get together, get skilled, and have fun!

In the spirit of increasing community resilience White Hawk Ecovillage is hosting the "Greater Ithaca Skill Share" on Sunday, Nov. 18th! 

The event is free and activities for children will be available and supported. 

It will be semi-structured and will offer a morning session of predetermined skills and an open-space afternoon session to let our community members share a skill they love. So come prepared to learn and if you've got a skill to share come prepared to teach! More details on the flow of day can be found on the attached flier.

Some of the featured skills include:
  • Root cellaring and pressure canning - presented by Ithacan ('s food preservation educational network
    • (canning workshop requests a $2-4 donation for materials and edibles that YOU'LL TAKE HOME)
  • Knitting, spinning, and other handwork - presented by the Danby Spinners Group 
  • Field to Table - Homescale Chicken processing 
  • Chestnut tree planting
  • Soap making
  • Sheet mulching
  • and much much more!

If you do come please make sure to bring:
  • weather appropriate clothing (some activities will be outdoors)
  • a water bottle
  • a dish to pass
  • eating ware and utensils 
  • cloth or clothing of natural fabric to dye (if you're interested)
  • a skill to share, if you're feeling inspired

There is a hope to make this a recurrent event (seasonally, semi-annually or annually) and if you're interested in seeing some other skills represented that weren't or want to help organize future Skill Share events we'll be gathering names and ideas to help with future incarnations.

Please feel free the forward on the poster to other friends, family and listservs, there are paper copies posted around Ithaca, Danby, and Brooktondale/Caroline, also our website is updated with the event

We hope to see you for all or part of the day and if not, sometime soon down the road
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