Upcoming Seed Savers Meeting

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Transition Tompkins

Dec 7, 2012, 10:57:33 AM12/7/12
to transitio...@googlegroups.com
Greetings to the sowers of creation!

In our region, some quiet energy has been building around seed saving and it is beginning to emerge as a growing "(s)o(w)m".

Chrys Gardener from TC CCE has been compiling the names of those interested in participating in an active seed saving network and has announced that on Thursday, January 10th from 11 - 12:30 CCE Tompkins would like to host a seed saving meeting.

Chrys writes,
"This will be an opportunity to meet face-to-face and discuss ideas for developing a seed sharing network and training program for new seed savers. I am also thinking of organizing a seed swap to be held at CCE in February or early March and would like to find out who is interested in participating. 
If you are interested in learning more about the Seed Sovereignty campaign in Europe go to this website: http://www.seed-sovereignty.org/EN/index.html  After looking at what is going on in the EU you'll realize how lucky we are in the US where anyone can grow and share seeds!

Please let me know if you are available to attend the meeting on January 10. If you can't make the meeting but you are interested in having a table at the seed swap let me know. 

We can also do a little seed sharing at the Jan 10 meeting so if you have any to swap bring them along!"


Forwarded along from Krys Cail of CADE and Ithaca Slow Money, there will be several seed saving and propagating workshops and lectures at this year's NOFA-NY Annual Winter Conference:

  • Ken from Hudson Valley Seed Library "Sow Local: Integrating Seed Saving and Plant Breeding Into Your Small Farm or Garden."   
  • Karma Glos from Kingbird Farm half-day intensive on "Small Scale Herb Propagation," 
  • "Researching High Value Grains for the Northeast Food System,"
  • Cayuga Pure Organics: "Beans Don't Come From the Store and Other Real Crop Stories"
  • James Jamison and Jane Mt. Pleasant: "The Rebirth of Agriculture in Native American Communities: Haudenosaunee Corn."

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