Climate Change is Callin'...Won't You Answer?

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Sep 10, 2020, 2:44:06 PM9/10/20

10-Steps to Personal Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate

“The six stages of climate denial are: It’s not real. It’s not us. It’s not that bad. It’s too expensive to fix. Aha, here’s a great solution (that actually does nothing). And — oh no! Now it’s too late. You really should have warned us earlier.”

- Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe 

Humans are part of nature, not separate from it, and human activity that hurts the environment also hurts us. So it makes sense that there are so many people of all ages who are impacted by our changing climate are experiencing ‘eco-anxiety’ or ‘climate-grief’. When we mourn the loss of something we love, whether it be a person, a place or a species, it puts into perspective what really matters in our lives.

Whatever you’re feeling right now — fear, anxiety, anger — is acceptable. This crisis is pushing each and every one of us up against our edge. The more compassion you muster for yourself amidst negative emotions the less likely you’ll ignore or get lost in them, and the more likely you’ll be able to respond rather than react. And the world will need more people responding rather than reacting in the days ahead. 


Waterspirit has added an Eco-Anxiety peer-to-peer support group using the Good Grief Network’s “10 Steps to Personal Resilience and Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate” method as a program that is open to the public worldwide. The Good Grief Network offers multi-modal techniques that help facilitate the metabolizing of heavy feelings that can distract us from our work in the world. This methodology provides the missing piece that helps prevent activism fatigue and burn out. These tools are necessary for those of us looking to sustain ourselves for the long haul.

Join our fourth round of our
Eco-Anxiety support group program on Tuesdays from 6 - 8 PM beginning on
Tuesday, September 29th at 6 PM EDT.

Register below for our Introductory Meeting and Information Session on Tuesday September 29th at 6 PM EDT.

All meetings will be held on Zoom.


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