Bioregional Committee Minutes, December 17

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Maria Tupper

Dec 19, 2018, 8:34:17 PM12/19/18
to Bioregional Committee, TransGreaterNewHaven
Bioregional Committee Meeting Minutes, Monday, Dec. 17, 2018
In attendance: Maria, Lynne, Gaianne, Bobcat, Roger, Steve, Domingo, Note taker Steve
Next meeting: Jan 7th, Chair will be Gaianne
*Expression Monday, Never Ending Bookstore, 2nd Monday of each month
*Herbal Friends: FUUS, Dec. 19, Juniper, 7 PM
*Evidence of Flossing: Jan. 26, 6 PM potluck and poetry reading by Jen Payne: Maria
*CT NOFA Winter Conference: Sat. Feb 23, 2019, Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport CT, Domingo will do two talks
*Living on the Earth: February 25th at 7:30, involving readings from Bill Deusing’s book and invited guests.
*First garden planning meeting Feb 2nd 3:30. Should we put a sign up inviting neighbors to join?
*Lynne and Bobcat are discuss doing an infiltration rain garden at UU.
*Rock to Rock January 8th meeting 6:00 at Marsh Hall 360 Prospect St. We plan on supporting the event.
*Westville, 2nd Saturday, Jan 12th, meet at 1 PM at Manjares
*The Human Element: Lynne has heard from NRDC and will reach out to find a school sponsor. 
*Birders: 2013, about obsessive birders, showed in NYC, Aaron
*Human Flow: a powerful visual expression to a massive human migration, elucidating both the staggering scale of the refugee crisis and its profoundly personal impact.  Captured over a year in 23 countries. Director: Ai Weiwei, 140 min.
*Sinking Cities: PBS live stream, perhaps do with the New Haven Climate Movement?
*Bioregional Garden Potluck, Dec. 7, 6 PM.  FUUS Good food and attendees and Domingo pitched the plan for the garden for next year
*Domingo reported on Common Ground having complete the concrete bins and wood shelters for the new composting facilities and showed us a photo
*New Haven Climate Movement Emergency Resolution:  Chris Schweitzer spoke of the need for emergency action to restore safe climate and the desire for us to support the New Haven Resolution Endorsing the Declaration of A Climate emergency.  We agreed to join in with our group support.
*Lynne and Bobcat will talk about and plan a rain garden in front of FUUS to capture stormwater runoff.
*Bobcat would like to revisit “Peak Oil” that we focused on 10 yrs ago with Fred’s leadership.
*CT NOFA has a new yearly award called the Bill Deusing award. 
Submitted by Steve King, Dec. 18, 2018

Bioregional Comm Minutes, 12-17- 2018.doc
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