Siri Stop Next Departures

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Paul Harrington

Jul 26, 2019, 4:25:43 AM7/26/19
to Transit Developers
I've been asked to put together a simple proof of concept demo where for some feed (doesn't matter which one) the next departures at a bus stop are returned.

I've started googling but unlike GTFS  SIRI a bit of a quagmire.

Basically what I would be hoping for is an example request to a live open source for a particular stop and then the XML response with departure listings,

Anybody here familiar with Siri who can point me in the right direction ?

Paul Harrington

Jul 29, 2019, 4:36:53 AM7/29/19
to Transit Developers
Anybody ???

For some reason I can't seem to find open feeds. Somebody here must know something about it

Roger Slevin

Jul 29, 2019, 4:56:58 AM7/29/19



You might get more response from the SIRI-DEV group at



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Paul Harrington

Jul 29, 2019, 5:58:51 AM7/29/19
to Transit Developers
Thanks Roger.

Have just posted there.


On Friday, 26 July 2019 09:25:43 UTC+1, Paul Harrington wrote:

Raj Jagad

Jul 29, 2019, 7:38:47 AM7/29/19
Hello Paul, there are lots of open feeds for GTSF worldwide that are public 

I tried using OneBusAway on a single board computer but I had problem with installation so I have not used OneBusAway
But I was able to create a demo early spring for an ECU student
This does not use a public feed but a Private feed created by

Just because the agency uses NEXT BUS to display information about their bus does not mean they have paid a subscription to generate the NextBus real time data
If they are NOT LISTED in the agencylist  they are not paying Nextbus to make the bus feed data public 
I was able to access the Public Feed for East Carolina university going to

I have not used SIRI but OneBUSAWAY has good resources right here for SIRI
IF YOU ARE iNTERESTED in ONEBUSAWAY Step one is get the application module for you to demo up and running
Since you plan to use SIRI I guess you want  
I use NCSU GTFS Feed because of they closer to my Home Town download the latest (July 2019)

I hope this helps you PAUL

Raj Jagad

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