I've been struggling trying to get an easy_install download of Transifex
working. I've uploaded several resources of varying format, and I can see
the text in the backend (and when I search), but the lotte interface is
always empty.
I first assumed it was user error, but increasingly it looks like perhaps a
bad .tar.gz on
pypi.python.org. Here's the version info:
(txenv)[root@BigWillie src]# pip freeze |grep trans
(txenv)[root@BigWillie src]# python -c "from transifex.txcommon
import version ; print version"
I noticed some broken-image icons and found that the .tar is missing all the
static images in priorities/static. Those files are definitely present in
the repo, though. (Side question: is tag 1.2 actually what was used to
produce the 1.2 releases? Its version_info says 1.1.0 beta)
(txenv)[root@BigWillie tmp]# tar ztf transifex-1.2.1.tar.gz | grep
(txenv)[root@BigWillie tmp]# cd txgit
(txenv)[root@BigWillie txgit]# git checkout 1.2
HEAD is now at ac54b3b... Updated translations
(txenv)[root@BigWillie txgit]# find . -name "*.png" |grep prior
I dropped a .git directory into the easy_install to see if anything else was
missing and found many changes (attached). Among the changes, it looks
like I'm missing the entire lotte/static directory, which probably explains my
lotte issues.
My questions:
- Is this user error or is the 1.2.1 pypi release mis-packaged?
- If I'd like to run from a git checkout, what's a good tag or stable
branch to use?