PBOT Bicycle Lunch and Learn: Portland's Protected Bicycle Lane Design Guide

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Timo @ PBOT

May 11, 2018, 4:03:38 PM5/11/18
to Active Right of Way (AROW)

Join me on Thursday at noon for the PBOT Bicycle Lunch and Learn: 

Portland's Protected Bicycle Lane Design Guide


presented by Roger Geller,  Bicycle Coordinator - City of Portland Bureau of Transportation


Thursday, May 17, 2018, 12:00pm to 1:00pm PDT


PSU Urban Center, 506 SW Mill St, Room 212  (note special venue!)



Portland has ambitious goals for increasing the number of trips made by bike.  But we still have a transportation system built primarily for motor vehicles.

What would it take to recon?gure Portland’s streets to communicate that bicycling is more attractive than driving and that bicycle transportation is accessible to people of all ages and abilities? How can it be done quickly, broadly and affordably? What will be the impacts to on-street parking and other curb access needs?

To help answer these questions Portland is developing a Protected Bicycle Lane Design Guide.  Come hear Roger Geller, Portland’s Bicycle Coordinator, discuss what’s in the guide and how it will help achieve our vision of a livable community.

Bring your own questions and bring your lunch!


Apologies for cross postings!


Timo Forsberg
Active Transportation and Safety Division
Portland Bureau of Transportation

Portland By Cycle rides and classes


Pronouns: he, him, his


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