[Bike to the Future] Annual General Meeting and Achievements Celebration (and more)

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Bike to the Future

Nov 6, 2012, 3:54:23 PM11/6/12
to Bike to the Future announcements
Bike to the Future's November newsletter.

1. 2012 Annual General Meeting and Achievements Celebration
2. October Monthly Meeting minutes
3. Charleswood Transportation Study -- active transportation concerns
4. Upcoming workshops, seminars, and webinars

2012 Annual General Meeting and Achievements Celebration

All Bike to the Future members and supporters are invited to attend our 2012 Annual General Meeting & Achievements Celebration on Tuesday November 20 from 5:30 to 6:30 at the Sport for Life Centre. Bikes can be parked inside the building in a locked room that is beside the main doors and in direct view of the security desk.

Our November Monthly meeting will commence immediately after the AGM.

AGM details (including the meal menu, the agenda, and the nominated slate of directors)

October Monthly Meeting minutes

The minutes from our October Monthly Meeting (and all previous meetings) are at biketothefuture.org/about/meetings.

Charleswood Transportation Study -- active transportation concerns

Mark Cohoe attended the Charleswood Transportation Study's Public Interactive Display Session on Wednesday October 10 at Charleswood United Church, and he wrote a report and a Free Press Letter to the Editor about it.

Mark also submitted a 13-page recommendations report (many diagrams/maps/images) to the Charleswood Transportation Study.

The letter and reports

Upcoming workshops, seminars, and webinars

See Upcoming Events at biketothefuture.org.

Kevin Miller
Bike to the Future, Secretary

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