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Tim Chevalier

Feb 7, 2011, 11:21:21 PM2/7/11
to Trans_Genderqueer_PNW
I created this mailing list to supplement existing regional discussion
fora and provide a broad, inclusive list for all trans- and
genderqueer-identified people in the Pacific Northwest.

Before you post, please read the ground rules at
https://sites.google.com/site/transgenderqueerpnw/ground-rules and
suggest new ones (probably by private email to me) if necessary.

I would consider adding another moderator in addition to myself,
especially if it's someone who identifies either on the transfeminine
spectrum or in the non-binary part of the universe. Please email me
privately if you're interested and tell me what makes you qualified
for that role.

This list will be exactly what the members make of it, so please speak
freely! Since Google Groups provides many options for managing the
amount of email you receive, no one should feel like they're ever
getting too much email and no one should feel like they need to
restrain what they say in order to not over-fill others' inboxes. With
that said, please stay vaguely on-topic to issues of interest to trans
and genderqueer communities and please try to ground your comments in
experience rather than ideas when possible.

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