Winter "training" motivation

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Ken Yokanovich

Dec 14, 2010, 8:50:49 PM12/14/10
to Trans-Iowa
Every day there's this idea that runs through my head about the
senseless idea of having signed up for yet another attempt at riding
in an insane event during an unpredictable time of year. Yet, every
time my better senses begin pondering the intelligence behind it all,
I begin again to feel these strange urges.

My winter training has consisted of entirely too little time spent
with my rear end planted on a bicycle saddle and any of my physical
therapy sessions have been more about allowing me to find ways to live
every day life more comfortably. We recently had some cooperation
from Mother nature in the way of providing some cross-training in the
form of shoveling. But, with short days and crummy roads, unplowed or
cleared sidewalks and pathways... Looking for ideas from other. What
are you doing?

Do I dare drag out the trainer? Yeesh, the mere thought of time spent
on a stationary is enough to make riding soupy gravel seem like
bliss. Perhaps, that's the ticket?

John Williams

Dec 15, 2010, 12:27:32 AM12/15/10
With cyclocross season winding down here in KC I've taken on a two part pre training regiment. A- staying up late reading past Trans Iowa recaps on the net and B- sitting on the couch watching as many episodes of Ninja Warrior as possible. All kidding aside I think there is something to be said for the mental and emotional strength required to finish an event like this. I'm not saying it doesn't take physical conditioning( it certainly does), but I feel it takes an equal amount of emotional and mental preparation, a lot of which I do sitting on the couch trying to wrap my mind around this forthcoming challenge. I was able to finish Dirty Kanza this this past June for a few reasons, the biggest being that I was so emotionally invested that quitting would have been a bigger failure than I could have shouldered, bigger than the feelings of fatigue or exhaustion or physical pain I was experiencing. So at this point in the game I'm focusing on getting my mind right. After the holidays I begin getting my body right.
Take this for what it's worth, I am a TI rookie

From: Ken Yokanovich <>
To: Trans-Iowa <>
Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 7:50:49 PM
Subject: Winter "training" motivation

Dan Buettner

Dec 15, 2010, 9:58:42 PM12/15/10
Another rookie here - I'm going into my 3rd winter commuting solely by bike in Des Moines, Iowa, with the aid of some studded Schwalbes and a dose of crazy.

It's only 4 miles each way, but I also will be carting kids around to school and daycare on a regular basis. Surprising how well the hybrid (with studded tires) will pull a Chariot trailer with kids through moderate ice & snow.

I'll have to put in some longer sessions obviously, and for the next 2-3 months they're likely going to be on the trainer, in the basement. Yuck. When I'm able to get out on the roads and trails, my focus will be one part distance and one part nutrition. I plan to stop at convenience stores and fast food joints to eat what's available - it's not my usual fare, and I want see how I, um, fare.

I also believe there's an enormous mental component to this sort of event. The physical conditioning is important, but without the mental, it's for naught. Physical will get you through a 10K; physical+mental will get you through an ultramarathon. Or Trans Iowa.

If anyone's collected links to Trans Iowa recaps, and wouldn't mind posting, that would be great - I've found a few, but would appreciate more.



Dec 16, 2010, 1:26:02 PM12/16/10
to Trans-Iowa
I'm already sick of the trainer, so I'm trying to get outside as much
as possible. I work right next to the Cedar Valley Nature Trail so
two or three lunch hours a week are reserved for that. Right now it's
making for a good snow slog, which keeps things interesting. Bonus:
the look on your co-workers faces who think you're batshit crazy for
heading out in single digit weather is the icing on the snowy pudding.

I've also thrown a few hours of weekly weight lifting in to the mix,
which helps keep things fresh. Nothing crazy, just low weights and
high reps with minimal rest in between. The idea there is to help
prevent cramping, injury and fatigue (plus winter burnout).

Finally, I'll be doing some winter racing for fun and fitness. I've
signed up for Triple D next month, which I'm pretty excited about, and
I'm planning on riding CIRREM in February. I wanted to do halcyon
down in KS this weekend, but it's looking like work will keep me from
making that trek.

Take all that for what it's worth though. I'm another TI rookie who
just got back into racing last year after a long hiatus.

On Dec 14, 7:50 pm, Ken Yokanovich <>
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