Tying these talks into a speed teaching event?

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Kym Huynh

Mar 15, 2012, 2:40:06 AM3/15/12
to trampol...@googlegroups.com
Hi guys!! Thought I'd say hello! Loving the whole concept of trampoline - when is the next one si vous plait? :-)

Also noted, I have an upcoming speed teaching event this March for startups and entrepreneurs @ http://weteachme.com/gala/melbourne where we tie in these quick-fire classes into a speed dating-esque event... would love to see if there's any way Trampoline and WeTeachMe could work together in the future?



Pat Allan

Mar 15, 2012, 2:48:51 AM3/15/12
to trampol...@googlegroups.com
Hi Kym

I'd heard about your event through the grapevine - sounds like it should be a fantastic learning experience.

The next Trampoline is happening in a couple of weeks, on the 31st - there's still some tickets available on our website if you can make it:

If you are there, it'd be great to chat about WeTeachMe and where that's going.



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harriet wakelam

Mar 16, 2012, 9:16:15 PM3/16/12
to trampol...@googlegroups.com
Have also done design thinking in a speed dating set up - like it. 
Harriet Wakelam
Phone:  0413 631 662
Blog:  http://www.technologytwitter.typepad.com  
Twitter: @hwakelam
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