I have a custom ticket field "staging_changeset" which tracks the commit reference in which a feature or bugfix was merged to the "staging" code branch (and deployed to the staging server). I also have some custom workflow to move tickets from [active] -> ready_for_staging -> needs_qa_on_staging -> [launched].
I'd like to associate this field with that workflow action, in the same way that the "resolution" field is associated by default with the "resolve" action, or (except for new tickets) the "owner" field is associated by default with the "reassign" action:
1) The field should be displayed alongside the action's radio button in the workflow section
2) The field should not be present in the Modify Ticket form for new or existing tickets
I can implement these in a plugin, but it seems like it must be a common request. Does anyone know of any existing plugins to accomplish this, preferably in conjunction?
I'm aware of various plugins to conditionally hide ticket fields (TicketFieldsPlugin, CondFieldsPlugin, etc) but I'm not aware of one that's specifically tied to workflow. And I haven't found any existing ITicketActionController implementation that lets you configure arbitrary "set_[field]" operations without coding.