How to change ticket preview delay

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Geert Linders

May 18, 2022, 10:22:46 PM5/18/22
to Trac Users
If I edit a ticket, the preview is automatically updated with my edits. The update delay seems to be 2s.

I can change the wiki preview delay by setting option auto_preview_timeout in trac.ini and that works fine, but this doesn't affect the ticket preview delay (I tried setting it to 8s to no avail).

Is it possible to change the ticket preview delay or is it a hard-coded value?

Ryan Ollos

May 18, 2022, 10:29:07 PM5/18/22
to Trac Users
The [trac] auto_preview_timeout setting applies to the ticket realm as well as the wiki and other realms.

If it's not working, you may have a plugin conflict. I'd start by checking the console for errors:


Geert Linders

May 25, 2022, 5:47:07 PM5/25/22
to Trac Users
It worked after resetting the trac server. Both the wiki preview time-out and the ticket preview time-out are now at 8s.

As a test, I reset the auto_preview_timeout setting to 2s and didn't restart the server (I'm using tracd).
The wiki preview time-out picked up the change immediately, but the ticket preview time-out didn't; it stayed at 8s.

It seems that the auto-reload of the configuration is not applied to the ticket preview time-out.

But then, I discovered what I did: I kept trying the same ticket without refreshing the browser. As soon as I refreshed the browser or tried a different ticket, the ticket preview time-out was updated to the current value. The same happens when editing a wiki page. I had to cancel the edit or re-load the page before the new time-out was picked up.

So it was a user error after all ;-)

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