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Berlin students - how can we contribute?

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Clemens Mosig

Jun 1, 2022, 12:33:52 PM6/1/22
to, Maynard Koch
Hi all,

we are three students from the Freie University Berlin who, as part of a
university course on open source software development (lead by Florian
Berger), would like to contribute in the following months to the
development of trac and ideally to the next release.

We are all Master's students in computer science and have several years
of programming experience in Python. Most of us have been using Python
primarily for data analysis or prototyping.

We would to ask which tasks (or type of tasks) we could pick up as a
start to get familiar with the project.

Clemens, Maynard, Niclas


Jun 2, 2022, 3:59:26 PM6/2/22
to Trac Development
Thanks for your offer to help! I guess the first question is, what do you want to work on? Do you want to work on fixing bugs and doing maintenance, or would you like to do a big feature like integrating a plugin? Either way, I'd recommend starting with a few small issues in order to work out the logistics of integrating your changes.

There's some stuff assigned to 1.5.5, does any of that look interesting?

Something like this looks pretty straightforward:

If you are comfortable working from GitHub, here is a starting guide:
The workflow is much easier than working with patch files.



Jun 10, 2022, 3:25:33 AM6/10/22
to Trac Development
Hi Ryan,

thanks for your recommendations.
We'll take a closer look at the tickets you mentioned and try to help where we can, starting with small tasks like #13474, #13273. 

Best regards 
Clemens, Maynard, Niklas


Jun 13, 2022, 9:19:05 PM6/13/22
to Trac Development
On Friday, June 10, 2022 at 12:25:33 AM UTC-7 Niklap wrote:
Hi Ryan,

thanks for your recommendations.
We'll take a closer look at the tickets you mentioned and try to help where we can, starting with small tasks like #13474, #13273. 

Best regards 
Clemens, Maynard, Niklas

This might also be a good one, as the topic was raised again today.
I haven't looked closely at it, and there would be some things to discuss such as how to make it a per-repository attribute.

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